About us

“The Promised Mahdi Cultural Foundation” was founded in the year 2000 at the suggestion of Ḥujjat al-Islam Qarāatī, with the approval of the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khāmeneī and the cooperation of a few of the religious, cultural and expert figures of the country. From that time onward, this cultural foundation has been one of the most prominent organizations spreading and strengthening the Mahdism belief and culture through establishing some departments such as education, research, international, culture, and promotion; and also supporting a cultural complex located adjacent to the Jamkarān Mosque in the city of Qom be equipped with the facilities include conference hall, library, bookshop and educative lessons to increase awareness among the pilgrims.

A look into the programs and the activities of “Mahdism Specialized Center” in Qom Seminary​​​​​​​

A)  Educational achievements:

1.  Providing specialized training to the following students of the Islamic seminary in the major of Mahdism:
a) 421 students of Qom seminary in the course of M.A. and Ph.D. (Graduated);
b) 21 students of the seminary of Hamadān city in the course of M.A. (Graduated);
c) 30 students of Qom seminary in the course of M.A. (Studying);
d) 26 students of the seminary of Ahvāz city in the course of M.A. (Studying);
e) 12 students of the seminary of Yazd city in the course of M.A. (Studying);
f) 13 students of the seminary of Karaj city in the course of M.A. (Studying);
g) 6 students of Qom seminary in the course of Ph.D. (Studying).
2. Setting up three high-level descriptive-analytical classes on Mahdism:
a) Examining the basic principles and topics of Mahdism (Amount to 32 topics on 5764 pages);
b) Answering the doubts raised about Mahdism;
c) Interpreting the Quranic verses related to Mahdism in the opinion of the Two sects (Shiˈa and Sunni).
3. Forming the academic board and educational groups.
4. Establishing the Specialized Center of Mahdism in the feminine seminary of Qom (Jāmiˈat al-Zahra) and also in the masculine seminaries of the provinces of Hamadān, Yazd, Khūzestān, Alborz, Lorestān, and Fārs.
5. Attempting to set up the Specialized Center of Mahdism in the masculine seminaries of the cities of Isfahān, Mashhad, and Najaf- Iraq; and also in the feminine seminary of the cities of Shāhrood, Tehrān, Isfahān, Hamadān, Meybod, and Tabrīz.
6. Attempting to set up the major of Mahdism in the course of M.A. and Ph.D. at al-Mustafā International University.
7. Forming a committee related to Mahdism in the Scientific Degree department of Qom seminary.
8. Face-to-face short-term training on Mahdism teachings (both the preliminary and supplementary phases) to around 340,000 individuals: seminarians (approximately 20,000 individuals), teachers and students of universities (approximately 120,000), students (approximately 80,000), and the general public (approximately 120,000).
9. Conducting training courses for the instructors related to Mahdism for 2500 seminarians and about 1000 teachers.
10. Conducting training courses for the trainers related to Mahdism for the seminarians in the city of Najaf, Iraq.
11. Conducting a twenty-session training course both practically and virtually for all Government employees and managers (approximately 20,000,000 people).
12. Teaching of Mahdism on the Maˈārif Radio network, during 140 episodes, with about 25,000 listeners from the class of teachers.
13. Teaching the specialized texts in English.
B)  Research achievements:
1. Forming scientific departments in the fields of Quranic research, Hadith, Supplications and Ziyārāt, Religions, the West and Mahdism, History, Theology, Philosophy, Mysticism, Ethics, Deviant sects, Futurology, and socio-politically.
2. Establishing a specialized library in Mahdism with more than 10,000 book volumes.
3. Producing and publishing more than 360 titles of books and software on Mahdism for different audiences.
4. Publishing theses of the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees graduates in the field of Mahdism in the form of books and articles.
5. Indexing and topical presentation of all Mahdism books and articles for the researchers by producing and publishing a two-volume reference book entitled “Imam Mahdi in the mirror of the pen”.
6. Producing a magazine on the issue of Mahdism with the title “Amān” (60 issues containing 750 articles have been printed with a total circulation of 2,500,000).
7. Providing answers to almost 4000 written questions about Mahdism, as well as creating a question bank and producing software and books related to Mahdism.
8. Publishing three issues of the special children’s electronic magazine titled “Durdāneh”.
9. Establishing the Department of Children and Youth.
10. Creating a database of books for researchers.
11. Advising and supporting the theses (both seminarian and academic) related to the subject of Mahdism.
12. Publishing more than 100,000 copies of the children’s exclusive magazine entitled “Yaldā”.
13. Producing Mahdism-themed Nowruz special edition for children.
14. Producing a CD titled “the Savior” in English.
15. Preparing the cultural packages including books, magazines, and playing cards for children.
16. Forming specialized, research, and promulgation departments to monitor the activities of deviant groups in Mahdism.
17. Holding Scholarly-Promotional conferences through a total of 472 articles on the topics of Awaiting and Martyrdom, ˈĀshūrā and Awaiting, Ghadīr and Mahdism, Awaiting and Mahdism in Imam al-Riḍā’s teachings, and defensive-security culture based on the teachings of Mahdism.
18. Holding more than 85 Mahdism scholarly and specialized sessions.
19. Scientific support for holding book exhibitions, “Talīˈ-e Ẓuhūr” festival, the Women’s festival of Qom province, and the “ˈᾹshūra Culture” exhibition in Zanjān city.
20. Reviewing the documentary of “the Advent will occur very soon”.
21. Reviewing and criticizing of Ahmad al-Hasan al-Yamāni and Mansoor Hāshemi’s straying movements.
22. Founding the Mahdism and Messianism Research Institute of Entizar-e Pouyā (dynamic Awaiting).
C)   Promulgation and public relations:
1. Sending the experts in Mahdism to the scientific centers, cultural centers, and camps (approximately 16,000 cases).
2. Participating in the production and broadcasting of approximately 3,000 Radio and Television programs, including the program “Towards the Appearance”, on channel 2, the program “Fragrance of Awaiting” program on the Quran channel, “Another tomorrow” on channel 3, and “Till the Advent's Friday” on Maˈārif Radio, etc.
3. Consulting with Broadcasting Organization officials and presenting educational and cultural plans, and sending experts in the field of Mahdism to implement the program in approximately 3,000 cases.
4. Organizing 11 cases of cultural and blogging competitions with approximately 120,000 participants.
5. Creating six audiovisual software cases in Mahdism.
6. Establishing, strengthening, and supporting approximately 300 Mahdavi centers in universities with the assistance of university administration and student organizations.
7. Compiling, developing, and implementing short-term training courses for various groups of people.
8. Creating content for the books and magazines exhibition stand, as well as the departments of Questions and Answers, Deviant Sects, Children and Young People, Websites and Blogs, as well as face-to-face and online competitions at exhibitions, festivals, and national and regional conferences.
9. Putting the Mahdavi family plan into action for hundreds of families and preparing family packs for nationwide family competitions.
10. Holding approximately 3000 question-and-answer sessions, scientific meetings, film screenings, and so forth.
11. Collaborating with some satellite networks such as Vilāyat, Duˈā, Thāmin, and others to help them with Mahdism debates.
12. Cooperating for scientific support through dispatching some experts in Mahdism to religious sites, the holy shrines of Imam al-Riḍā and lady Maˈṣūmah (pbut), and other shrines throughout the country.
13. Establishing the Mahdavi National Book Conference’s biennial secretariat and holding the Mahdavi National Book Conference.
14. Associating with the Ministry of Defense, the Army, IRGC, and Nājā in Qom city, etc. to hold Mahdism training courses.
15. Cooperating with the department of “Women and Family Affairs” of the Presidential Institution for Mahdism education courses.
16. Collaborating with Maˈārif Radio to conduct a short-term training program for government employees.
17. Participating in the establishment of the conference of “Awaiting and Mahdism in Raḍavi’s teachings” from the series of international festivals of Imam al-Riḍa (pbuh).
18. Active presence in conducting educational programs and the Epistemology circles of Mahdism for various groups of people in some cultural, military, and educational centers.
19. Advising on the establishment of conferences, festivals, and Mahdavi programs.
20. Forming a task force and think tank to improve the quality of promotional programs.
21. Forming a group to monitor and collect the latest news on Mahdism.
22. Compiling and implementing programs on ethics and self-refinement education for the staff and students of the Mahdism Specialized Center.
23. Compiling and publishing a collection of books titled “Hadith-e Intiẓār” for the preachers on special occasions such as the months of Ramaḍān, Sha'bān, and Rabī' al-Awwal.
24. Designing brochures on various Mahdavi topics on national and religious occasions.
25. Communicating with scientific, cultural, educational, and military centers to sign memorandums for some Mahdavi interactions.
26. Collaborating with the holy Mosque of Jamkrān in the fields of culture, education, research, and public relations.
27. Forming a special volunteer group of Mahdism experts for the promulgation affairs. 
28. Identifying and classifying the preachers of the Specialized Center of Mahdism based on their abilities.
29. Establishing scientific and explanatory meetings with the experts of Mahdism to improve their skills, especially for religious occasions.
30. Introducing a virtual training package and holding some meetings in the virtual space.
31. Recording the short-term special courses on Mahdism and then keeping them offline.
32. Recording the topics raised by the Mahdism experts and uploading them to the virtual space.
33. Holding Mahdavi-themed sessions virtually.
D)  Cyberspace
1. Setting up an online school on Mahdism education for the general public, students, educators, and government employees; and training more than 1,000,000 people. mahdaviat.org
2. Teaching Mahdism remotely (by correspondence) to about 40,000 people.
3. Launching a specialized electronic magazine using the Quarterly Journal of Intiẓār-e Muwʿūd. entizar.ir
4. Improving the information portal of the Mahdism Specialized Center. moudi313.org
5. Setting up administrative automation for making quick communication between different departments of the Mahdism Specialized Center.
6. Implementing the Mahdism virtual library project aimed at creating a library in the Internet space equipped with research tools, containing the text of printed sources represented by photos and texts, bibliographies, and abstracts. mahdilib.ir
7. Designing, compiling, and implementing the virtual encyclopedia of Mahdism Hadiths. mahdi313.net
8. Planning and following up to launch the electronic Mahdavi encyclopedia.
9. Launching Mahdavi Bloggers Forum with 13,000 bloggers and running a blogging contest. mahdiliblog.com
10. Establishing a public information website in Persian, Arabic, Urdu, and English to introduce and explain Mahdism. moudi313.com
11. Planning and implementing “the Helpers of Imam Mahdi” virtual community.
12. Launching an Internet TV network with the theme of Mahdism called “Mahdi TV”. mahdi313.TV
13. Launching “Mahdism Thought Club” in Cyberspace. mahdiform.com
14. Launching Mahdavi messenger to establish live communication with users and to organize online meetings. mahditalk.com
15. Establishing a virtual gallery about Mahdism in the internet space. mahdigallery.ir
16. Setting up a service to answer the questions of the general public on the subject of Mahdism online and offline.
17. Establishing 14 separate sites for some of the above-mentioned projects.
18. Scientific and technical cooperation with cultural and educational institutions.
19. Consulting with the Vice President’s Department of Human Resources Management and Development, and the Directorate General of Education to obtain permission for virtual training of government employees.
20. Consulting with the Ministry of Education to receive a virtual teaching license in the Mahdism course.
21. Setting up the “Virtual Mahdism Center”, which is visited by 3000 people daily.
E)  The department of children and teenagers
1. Setting up a website under the name “Dordāneh12”. dordaneh12.com
2. Producing 110 volumes of books and cultural products.
3. Creating software named “Dordāneh 1, 2, and 3”.
4. Producing a course-book for the first-intermediate level entitled “Hasht Qadam”.
5. Producing a textbook for the second-intermediate level entitled “Nasīm-e Muwˈūd”.
6. Providing scholarly support to 260 Mahdavi kindergartens and preschool institutions under the name of “Yārān-e Ᾱftaāb”.
7. Evaluating and providing scholarly support to Mahdavi researchers in the field of children and Youth.
8. Cooperating with the office of education of Qom Province and other provinces.
9. Holding national competitions annually.
10. Producing video clips for Broadcasting Organizations to broadcast on various occasions.
11. Conducting 50 Mahdism specialized training courses for instructors across the country (4500 people).
12. Compiling 8 volumes of workbooks for preschool children.
13. Obtaining permission to establish a preschool by “Amīn” schools of Qom seminary.
14. Establishing a feminine unit in the department of children and teenagers.
F)   Provincial branches
1. Opening branch offices in 29 provinces and providing scientific support to them.
2. Scientific and cultural-educational support for the “Cultural and Educational Complex of the Promised Mahdi’s Helpers” located next to the Jamkarān holy Mosque with the establishment of more than 14,000 classes.
3. Recruiting honorary assistants.
4. Setting up the feminine department.
5. Setting up a Mahdavi kindergarten and following up to set up a Mahdavi primary school.
G) Mahdism and Messianism Research Institute of Entizar-e Pouyā (dynamic Awaiting)
1. Establishing and organizing the research institute in the form of 4 research groups (Quran, Hadith and supplications, Religions, Sects and denominations, Theology, and Social studies).
2. Establishing departments for editing the texts, journals, conferences, and a department for strategic studies.
3. Carrying out the major project of Fiqh al-Hadith (the analytic deep comprehension of Islamic narrations) with the aim of a detailed study of the Islamic narrations on Mahdism (80 Hadiths in 1000 pages).
4. Conducting more than 20 research projects in the above-mentioned research groups.
5. Holding dozens of scientific meetings.
6. Publishing the scholarly-research quarterly journal of Intizār-e Muwˈūd (Awaiting the Promised) in 70 issues including 632 articles.
7. Publishing 3 issues of the semi-annual scholarly-promotional journal of Research on the Promised including 18 articles.
8. Publishing 48 issues of the specialized scholarly journal of Mahdism Studies including 235 articles.
9. Publishing the English journal The Final Hope (18 issues in monthly format and 4 issues in quarterly format).
10. Compiling 5 textbooks: Imam Mahdi’s rule, Mahdism specifically for the students, the special sense of Imamate, the general sense of Imamate, and the future of the world.
11. Producing 45 articles and also evaluating more than 500 articles.
12. Evaluating more than 30 books.
13. Collaborating with other institutions in setting up the conferences on the Doctrine of Mahdism, Mahdism and the Islamic Revolution, the thought of the Supreme Leader; and also cooperating with the institutions including the Intelligence of the IRGC, the Special Clergy Court, and the High Council of the Seminary.
13. Cooperating with the Strategic Studies Center (National Defense University).
14. Being active in the virtual space, such as uploading the aforementioned journals on important sites such as ISC and Nūrmagz.
15. Compiling the high-level descriptive-analytical textbooks on Mahdism and several other books.

 Address: The Specialized Center of Mahdism; located in: Alley no. 22, Shohadā Str., Qom, Iran. (Mahdism Specialized Center)
Phone No. 00982537841410
Fax No. 00982537737160
E-Mail: Mahdaviat313@gmail.com
Website Address: www.Mahdi313.org

The Specialized Center of Mahdism

The central office of “Promised Mahdi Cultural Foundation”​​​​​​​

The central office of “Promised Mahdi Cultural Foundation”; is located in no. 387, Tāleqāni St., Palestine Square, Tehran, Iran.
E-Mail: mahdism.net@gmail.com
website: www.mahdism.net​​​​​​​