To demonstrate the necessity of Imamate Based on the “Argument of Instinct”

To demonstrate the necessity of Imamate Based on the “Argument of Instinct”

The other intellectual proof of the necessity of Imamate is called the Argument of instinct. People with different religions have an instinctive tendency towards a Perfect Man as the Savior who knows everything, can solve every problem, and is able to bring about peace, security, and unity in the world. When all people in the world without a single example are like this, it means that Allah has created this feeling as an instinct within us.

Add to it, that to create a feeling in someone without fulfilling it makes the creation of the feeling to be without a purpose. It would be like the creation of thirst without the creation of water, or like the creation of ability to see without the creation of light to let us see something.

Let me explain it more, one of the reasons proving the existence of the next world and that pious people will enter heaven is that one of the created fillings in our inner body is an insatiable demand of good things. For instance, if someone is after wealth, would he says that, that amount of wealth is sufficient for him and will no longer add any penny to it and that he does not want to become wealthier? Even those who are after knowledge like the scholars, scientists, discoverers, and inventors would they suffice themselves to a limited part of knowledge and then say we are saturated and never want to add anything to our learning? Of course not. This non-stop feeling tells us that Allah should saturate it and it is done in the heaven as many verses of the Quran point to by telling that people in Heaven will have whatever they want and still the available kinds of mercy are more than what they could imagine. In addition, because of the feeling to be alive forever and never die, people in Heaven will stay alive forever.

Back to our discussion, when all people in this world strongly need that there should be a mighty and powerful man to fulfill their need of security and safety in this world, this feeling should be saturated in this world and there should exist a Perfect Man to fulfill this feeling.



Source: The Final Hope, January 2016, issue no. 13