Shaʿbān (شعبان) is the 8th month of Hijri Calendar. It is considered one of the most honored and respected months of the year, because it is attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. This holy month is ascribed to the Holy Prophet who used to observe fasting and connect it to the obligatory fasting of Ramaḍān. He used to say: “Sha’ban is my month; hence, Paradise will be incumbently decided for one who observes fasting on one day of my month.” Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq is reported to have said: “Imam Sajjād used to gather all his companions at the beginning of Sha’ban and say to them: ‘O my companions, do you know what this month is? It is Sha’ban. The Holy Prophet used to say, ‘Sha’ban is my month.’ You should thus fast in this month as a sign of your love for your Prophet and as a sign of seeking nearness to your Lord. I swear by Him Who grasps my soul in His Hand, I heard my father, al-Ḥusayn saying that he heard Imam Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, saying: ‘As for anyone who observes fasting in Sha’ban for the love of the Messenger of Allah and for seeking nearness to Almighty Allah, Almighty Allah will love him, draw him near to His honor on the Resurrection Day, and decide Paradise for him incumbently'.”
Some of the happiest anniversaries of Shi'a are also in this month, such as the:
Birth of Imam al-Husayn (a) (Sha'ban 3, 4A.H/626A.D)
Birth of 'Abbas b. 'Ali (a) (Sha'ban 4, 26A.H/647A.D)
Birth of Imam al-Sajjad (a) (Sha'ban 5, 38A.H/659A.D)
Birth of Imam al-Mahdi (a) (Sha'ban 15, 255A.H/869A.D)