Imam Mahdi, The Herald of Divine Justice

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Imam Mahdi, The Herald of Divine Justice


Sha'ban 15 is the birth anniversary of the Promised one, the only Real Savior of all mankinds, the only Hope in this depressed age, the 12th infallible Imam of the household of Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h), Imam Mahdi (a.s) whose followers look forward to his Reappearance day and night.
Majority of the world religions, irrespective of their being divine or earthly, believe in the advent of a Savior. The spiritual leaders of different religions have discussed and debated this subject. Savior is described as deliverer of mankind, who will appear at the ultimate stage with justice and Equity after it has been filed with tyranny and oppression, eradicate deviation, ignorance and atheism and disseminate moral and spiritual guidance and monotheism.
Such idea can be find in various religions and in their books one can even find the various attributes and characteristics of their Savior. It also becomes clear that the belief in the savior is based on instinct, since everybody hopes that world will culminate in good rather than evil.
The occasion offers a good opportunity to have a glance at him through the verses of the holy Quran and tradition received from the holy prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h) and his infallible House hold.

A) Importance of Subject
Holy prophet (p.b.u.h) said:"whoever dies without recognizing the Imam of his time dies the death of ignorance." It clearly indicates that cognition of the infallible Imam is compulsory for each and everyone.
Holy prophet (p.b.u.h) is reported to have said:"there will be twelve caliphs' successors after me. Verily the proofs of Allah on the creatures are twelve of them, the first will be my brother and the last of them will be my son." They asked "which of your brothers and which son?"He replied:"My brother Ali, son of Abi-Taleb. My son Mahdi, the one who will fill the world with justice and equity when it is fraught with injustice and oppression."
(Faraaedus-Simtain, Vol.2, Page 226)
Holy prophet (p.b.u.h) said:"Even if a single day remains from the eve of dooms Day, Allah the Almighty will prolong that day till be raises a man from my progeny."

After clarifying that cognition of Imam is a must and there will be twelve successors after the Holy prophet (p.b.u.h), now it is better to know him as it is found Islamic Traditions. According to many authentic documents available in Islamic sources, the following identification has been found for Imam Mahdi (a.s).
Name: Mohammad
Agnomen: Abul Qasem
Title: Mahdi
Birth: Friday, fifteenth of sha'ban 255(a.h)
Father's name: Imam Hassan Al-Askari (a.s)
Mothers' name: Nargis khatoon
Commencement of minor occultation and Imamat: 260(A.H)
Commencement of major occultation and Imamat: 239(A.H)
Similarly with prophet Noah (A.S): Longevity
Similarly with prophet Moses (A.S): Concealed birth
Similarly with prophet Job (A.S): Patience
Similarly with prophet Jesus Christ (A.S): Brilliance
Place of reappearance: the holy kaabe
Time of reappearance: No one knows except Allah.

C) Bright Future of Peace and Happiness
The holy prophet said: "Glad tidings are to you about Mahdi (a.s)" thereafter he said: "The inhabitance of the heavens and the inhabitance of the earth are happy with him. He shall distribute the wealth equally, free Mohammad nation from need or want and comfort them with his righteousness."
Islamic scholars, based on the infallible saying of the opinion that the sign of Mahdi (a.s) is that he shall be harsh with rulers, generous with people in distributing wealth, and gentle with the helpless in easing their pain.The master of the faithful Ali (a.s) says about Mahdi's characteristics:"at the time when they (people) shall suit the guidance to follow the desires, Mahdi (a.s) shall alter the desires to follow the guidance.
At the time when they interpret the Quran to follow their own prudence, Mahdi (a.s) shall realize (their) prudence to follow the Quran. Mahdi (a.s) shall demonstrate to you justics. Mahdi (a.s) shall enliven the commandments of the Quran and Sunnah which were until the dead and lifeless. Imam Mahdi (a.s) shall fill the earth with equity and justice after it has been filled with cruelty and oppression."
The holy prophet said: there shall emerge a person from my progeny who will speak only my Sunnah. Allah will send for him from heavens and the earth shall throw out its bounties for him. He shall fill the earth with equity and justice just as it had been filled with cruelty and oppression.
Furthermore, the holy prophet(s) while mentioning the injustice and seditiousness of despotic rulers, said:"if there remains not more than one day for the earth, Allah will prolong the day until a person from my progeny comes and rule .the great events shall take place through his hands and Islam shall manifest itself…"
Hence, not Only Shia people but all people throughout the world expect him to establish peace and mercy for human kind.

Awaiting (Intezar) is result of two conditions. Firstly, he is not satisfied with the present situation and secondly, he expects the improvement in his circumstances. If either of these conditions are not fulfilled, then it is not awaiting and the person concerned is not an waiter (muntazar) {in Islamic terminology,awaiter is equal to expectant}.
The awaiting of Imam Mahdi (a.s) also holds the same distinct characteristics. Even here awaiting purports that an awaiter is not satisfied with his present circumstances and is hoping for a bright and better future.The believer is a witness to the assault of the enemies of Islam which they are inflicting of Islam with their full might and munitions.
The geniuses of belief and deeds are not judged as per criterion set by the Holy Quran and traditions .Instead they are examined through the clannish prejudice and norms set by their forefathers, in such circumstances a genuine awaiter should not sit idle. Rather the holy Quran has instructed him in these words: ''and say to those who do not act as much as you can, we are also trying. You all await and surely we all are awaiting''. (Holy Quran chap.Hud:122)
It is open challenge for the enemies that let them make their best efforts. In the light of this challenge, can anyone say that awaiting implies sitting idle and remaining oblivious? Or awaiting means to remain always alert and defeat enemies on every front. Of course, it necessitates that a believer should never exult on his strength but Household of Prophet Muhammad(s) said:"the one who desire to be among the companion of Hazrat Qaem (a.s), then he must wait, adopt piety and behave courteously.
If he dies in such a condition before the advent of Qaem(a.s), then his reward will be similar to the one who attains his Qaems era should always rely on Allah."
Because reliance on Allah gives victory to weaklings over their stronger adversaries.
Imam Sadeq (a.s), sixth Imam of the infallible. ''Hence strive vigorously, await his arrival, congratulations to you all for your relentless awaiting"
Ghaibat-e-Nomany, chap.11, tradition No16
He is true awaiter who always seeks to please his Imam (a.s). His every effort is directed at achieving the invaluable pleasure of Imam (a.s) and it is but evident the pleasure of Imam is in abiding by the tenets of Islam and not in its sacrilege.
Out of many responsibilities which a true awaitor has to reserve for himself, is to build his character. Character building implies following the tenets of Islam, developing good traits and purify his self in such a way that every aspect of his personality should reflect the teachings of progeny of the Holy Prophet(s).Often the friends and the helpers of Imam Mahdi(a.s)are described with such superlatives;'
those who will believe in hidden Imam, they are the most pious one and their faith is of the highest degree. They will establish prayers and spend generously in the way o God. They believe firmly in the Holy Quran and other divine scriptures and they are certain of the Day Resurrection.(Qiamat).''
Tafsir-e-Nor Saqlain, vol.1 .chap.Baqara
''They are obedient, sincere, honorable, good doers, patient.devout.helpers of the oppressed, cordial and pure hearted''. Kamal-u-dinn, chap.43, Tradition no 19
''Their hearts are of steel .if they cast a glance at an iron mountain, it will crumble and reduce t bits'' Ilzaam-u-naseb vol.1 page 67
"They will be braver than lions and sharper than spears'' Behar-u-al-anwar, vol.52, chap.27.Tradition no.17
"They will worship at night" Muntakhab-al asr, section 9, chap.3.
''In the period of occultation, they will hold religious convictions and will not allow the devil to meddle with their faith''. Kamal-u-al -din, page 51
These excerpts were extracted from various traditions which clarifies that in the period of major occultation, one of our pivotal responsibilities is to absorb the teaching of progeny of Holy Prophet(s) in our character and personality so that we may not wander hither and thither while our beloved Imam Mahdi (a.s) is far from our eyes.
It is a proven fact that as much as a man holds Imam Mahdi (a.s) dearer that much he will be attracted towards good deeds and demeananse.
And he will cleanse his self from bad habits and vices. Numerous such incidents can be found in the books,particulary youth who felt the Love of Imam Mahdi(a.s)in their hearts which changed their entire lives .Undoubtedly Love is such an elixir by which every impossible is made possible
Canaan Joseph shall return, whose face,
A little time was hidden: Weep no more.
Oh weep no morel in sorrows dwelling-place
The roses yet shall spring from the bare floor.
And heart bowed down beneath a secret pain
Oh stricken heart! Joy shall return again.