From Imam Hussain’s Ashura to the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi


From Imam Hussain’s Ashura to the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi

Ashura is a lesson for everyone who wants Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Maybe Ashura is the instance of the bloodiest disloyalty of the history, but it didn’t end and since it proves a notion to the people of each era, it is flourishing more and more day by day.

Ashura is a tearful historic event for all people of the world in every times to know who is Imam and how is his absence? So that they know the contrast between wanting and not wanting is and endless conflict between who chooses either himself or Imamate. Ashura is the root of Mahdism and awaiting ideology of Shia. The basis of Ashura and Karbala is the lesson of awaiting and a hope for bright future of Shia.

Nowadays those can wish companionship of Hussain of the time (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)) and yell “we wish we were with you” who do whatever needs to be done and consider awaiting as taking action and make it their first priority in all stages of their life during the Occultation.


Ashura is the criterion…

Quran and narrations always remind us that the two lines of the Truth and Falsehood are together. Quran introduces a Falsehood line against the course of the Truth throughout the history. “Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light” (The Quran, Surah 61, Verse 8)

It’s interesting that the verb that the Quran uses is future continuous, meaning it will continue and it’s continuous. It means there are still people who are after opposing the religion of Allah, as some people tried to eliminate the religion of Allah during the lifetime of the prophet and Imams, and it led to the divine and entirely shiny jihad of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and the event of Ashura that separated the Truth from Falsehod until the end of the world.

Nowadays, there are also some people who are after breaking and opposing the course of the Truth and one should learn the lesson of recognizing the criterion from Ashura and be after establishing justice and opposing any tyranny and cruelty which its superhighway is awaiting and helping Imam Mahdi (PBUH)… 

Understanding Ashura, requisite of awaiting

Undoubtedly the promise of Allah that the governance is for righteous is certain. But condition for fulfilment of this promise, just like for a prayer to be answered, requires basis and conditions so that this divine plan would work. All efforts of the holy Prophet and Imams are to prepare these preliminaries.

But unfortunately during the Prophet's era, because of inadequate analysis of the circumstance, the events after his death occurred such a way that the matters went wrong and deviated from the proper course and perhaps it can be said that the society turned back to the ignorance era. The Ashura uprising and Imam Hassan's (PBUH) strategy was a full-scale reform and permanent for the history.

The hypocrisy and Muhammadic Islam were distinguished forever in the history and recognizing these two courses requires Ashuraic viewpoint to the situations. "Where is the one who avenges the blood of Martyr of Karbala?'' means the awaiting people must know that the hypocrisy course should be distinguished and defamed so the community would not be confused in its beliefs and decisions. This requires Ashuraic viewpoint, the same Ashuraic strategy of Imam Hassan (PBUH) and Imam Hussain (PBUH).


To be neglectful of the divine plan

Unfortunately, because of being too busy with our daily routine, we are neglectful of the divine plan that is the government of the pious over the world and we don’t even know how much efforts have been made throughout history to make this plan come true.

One of our faults is that we consider the events like the appointment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Eid al- Azha, Eid al- Qadir, Ashura and Fatemiya as independent events and we don’t notice that these all occasions are parts of one chain in history to accomplish the divine plan. Eid al- Azha is one of the most important historical turning points of Imamate, then the appointment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the beginning of the globalization of this government and Qadir took place as the continuity of this path.

And Ashura is the best way to prove the veracity of this divine plan that has defined the path to be in this course forever. That is why there are strong recommendations for reviving Ashura, since policy of companions of Imam Hussain (PBUH) should be an example for the awaiting people for Imam Mahdi (PBUH) so they can make a big change like them and it should be this way that the spirit of martyrdom is an inseparable element of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions personality.


Acquaintance of Imam, requisite of his companionship…

One day, in the Great Mosque of Mecca, Imam Baqir (PBUH) said to Abu Basir: “Ask people who are coming and passing by if they have seen Muhammad bin Ali (Aba Ja'afar)?” Abu Basir did what Imam has told him to do and started asking everyone, but their answer was NO! At this time, Abu Harun who was a blind man approached. Imam Baqir (PBUH) said: “Ask him too.” When Abu Basir asked Abu Harun whether he has seen Imam Baqir or not, he answered: “He is standing by your side.”

Yes! If a person wants to achieve divine acquaintance so Imam Mahdi (PBUH) manifests in him/her because of this acquaintance, he/she should be obedient to Allah’s Wali (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)), Allah would not purifies us, not until we are obedient. One of the important means for purifying is misfortunes and divine tests.

(Az Furat ta Furat, v. 1, p. 21, Bihar al-Anwar, v.46, Hadith31)


There are three categories of mourners…

First category: Although they do not abandon mourning and attend mourning sessions, they commit any sin which its conditions are fulfilled! Perception of such person of the uprising of Imam Hussein (PBUH) is incomplete.

Second category: Their hearts are pure and they mourn sincerely, but they do not know the purposes of mourning properly.

Third category: Those who know fair and useful points about Ashura and have linked their lives to Imam Hussein's (PBUH) goals, they are closer to the truth and seeking it. Their mourning is more effective.

Also, the awaiting people…

The first category are the people who sin and commit mistakes, but because they are naturally searching for true peace, they await for the government of Imam Mahdi (PBUH).

The second category are those who are not sinful, but they have a very superficial view on the issue of awaiting. They weep over the separation, they also pray for the Reappearance and they try to satisfy Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Most of the Shias and Imam's lovers do this way.

The third category are those who fight against hegemony to their bones in addition to trying to improve themselves and others, like Ashuraic, which this kind of spirit is easily found among 313 people.

And now it is me and these three categories…


Imam Hussein (PBUH) and the Days of Allah

Interpreting the narrations, the Days of Allah include three occasions: the Reappearance, the Raj’a (return of a group of people after the Reappearance), and the Day of Judgment. All of these three events revolve around the Day of Imam Hussein (PBUH).

In the day of Reappearance, the slogan of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) army will be “Ya Letharat al-Hussein” (in revenge for the blood of Hussein (PBUH)). During the Raj’a, the first person to return is Imam Hussein (PBUH), and in the Day of Judgment, those who go to heaven will gather under the flag of Imam Hussein (PBUH).

Essentially, one who understands the event of Ashura with all of its details and magnitude, ensures that at the end of this path, there is nothing but the assistance of God. And definitely, it’ll have a happy ending. “…And the outcome is for the cautious” (Al-Araf: 128).


Where do we stand on the issue of hypocrisy?

One of the factors that caused some people to leave Imam Hussein (PBUH), was the test of choosing between this world and the Hereafter. Some of them hided the problem and said: “we are not with Imam nor with Ibn Ziyad.” Proceeding between the course of the Truth and Falsehood is a kind of hypocrisy, and this very hypocrisy caused them gradually went ahead of each other in committing crimes against Ahl al-Bayt. Because they failed to observe the discrimination between the Truth and Falsehood.

Also, in the Reappearance era, hypocrisy in people will become clear in proceeding towards the Reappearance. So, we need to kill the hypocrisy in our hearts, in order to reach the Reappearance {hypocrisy is the same as dissimulation and deception}.


The Freedom versus The Stupidity…

Some people in Karbala chose ibne Ziad army with this imagination that if a crime does not happen, going in his army will not be a guilt. But they did not know that even their mere presence in Ibne Ziad army, is drawing the border line in between the right and the wrong. (The example of the stupidity)

Amongst all those people, Hurr ibn al-Riahi went towards the Right, so he could prove the miracle of selecting the Right till the end of the history. (The example of freedom)

Today; one of the duties of the people who are awaiting for Imam Mahdi`s (PBUH) Reappearance, is “being ready for the Reappearance” and we should stay careful about our selections in our lives. How many times, truly, we have to make selections in between the Yazid and the Imam Hussein (PBUH) of our ego?


Hussein and Mahdi…

Among Imam Hussein (PBUH) and Imam Mahdi (PBUH), in addition to some similar attributes and characteristics like “infallibility, knowledge, kindness, courage, wisdom…”, there are some other ties and similarities which are worth to think about!

Titles like Gharib (stranger), Tarid (left alone) and Sharid (displaced) which are ascribed to both of them, are among these similarities. Imam Hussein’s pilgrimage prayers are among the prayers of the night of the middle of Sha’baan month (which is the birth date of Imam Mahdi); maybe this prayer is there to tell the “people of the Occultation era” that Imam Hussein was Imam of those people who called him in “al-Ajal” (rush), but in the end, they left him alone and martyred him while being abandoned! Lest the “Awaiting Persons” do the same!

We should be aware! That the power, money, pretense and lust will make Imam's blood easy to be shed! Existence of these ego’s desires will not be ineffective to Imam Mahdi's loneliness and exile! ”Let’s fight our ego’s desires, to hasten the Reappearance”


What kind of person is he for whom the lives would sacrifice...

When Prophet Abraham (PBUH) passed the test of sacrificing his child and God sent him a lamb to be slaughtered in place of Ishmael (PBUH), he asked Allah: “O God! What did I neglect carrying out this test that I didn’t succeed to sacrifice my child to endure the greatest of the tragedies?” Allah answered him: “Oh, Abraham! Do you like yourself more or the last prophet?” He answered: “I like him more.” Allah said: “Do you like your own child more or the child of the last prophet?” Abraham said: “I like the child of the last prophet who is the master of all the martyrs more than my own child, Ishmael.”

Then Allah said: “Oh, Abraham! Neither are you capable of enduring the greatest of the tragedies, nor is the sacrifice of Ishmael the greatest of the tragedies. Rather, one who can endure the greatest of the tragedies is Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the greatest of the tragedies is the tragedy of the master of all the martyrs (Imam Hussein (PBUH))!”


Yes! The angels are developing with the tragedy of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and they’re waiting… On the day of Ashura, thousands of angels descended to the earth to assist the Imam. But, they arrived while Imam Hussein (PBUH) was on the ground (he was martyred) and his family were taken captives! Therefore, dusty and in mourning, they stopped at his grave so that they can assist the avenger of the Imam after the Reappearance…


Readiness and awaiting...

Special companions of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will gather in Mecca as soon as they hear the sign of his Reappearance because of their readiness. They are ready to join and help their Imam regardless of what is going on in their lives.

May he always be brought happily to mind..., I am talking about Muslim ibn Awsaja; he was heading to the bath when he encountered Habib ibn Madhahir. While he became aware of his Imam, he did not even get back to home and they both went to Karbala.

In the way towards Imam, we should sacrifice all we have...


The interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance (Part 1)

The Karbala movement was a seed which was implanted on the day of Ashura, so it can grow with the passage of time and give fruits in the time of the Reappearance. Here are some examples of interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance;

1- Imam Mahdi (PBUH) the avenger of Imam Hussein (PBUH)

Imam Hussein (PBUH) said to his son Imam Sajjad (PBUH): “My son, My blood will never lose its stirring influence until God assigns Imam Mahdi (PBUH), so he will revenge my blood.”

(Mo’ajam al-Ahadith al-Imam Mahdi (PBUH), volume 3, page 182)

2- The tears before the birth

Before the birth of these two nobles, there were some who cried for them. Before the birth of Imam Hussein (PBUH), many prophets cried for him due to his suffering in Karbala event and also before the birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), Ahl al-Bayt cried for his suffering during his Occultation.


The interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance (Part 2)

Let’s read, ponder and be a medium so others would know

The Karbala movement was a seed which was implanted on the day of Ashura, so it can grow with the passage of time and give fruits in the time of the Reappearance. Here are some examples of interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance;

3. The remembrance of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in Nudba prayer

In Nudba prayer and the description of the sorrow of the departure of the promised Mahdi, among hundreds of martyrs of the prophet’s progeny, there’s only words of the martyr of Karbala...

4. The motto of Imam and his companions

The motto of the global rise of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and his companions will be “یا لَثاراتُ الحُسَین” (O avengers of Hussain). (Najm al-Thaghib, p. 469 )


The interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance (Part 3)

Let’s read, think and share, so everyone could know

The Karbala movement was a seed which was implanted on the day of Ashura, so it can grow with the passage of time and give fruits in the time of the Reappearance. Here are some examples of interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance;

5- Imam Hussein (PBUH) decedents

There are more than 200 narrations referring to Imam Mahdi (PBUH) as the decedent of Imam Hussein (PBUH). For example, Imam Ali (PBUH) said to Imam Hussein (PBUH): “Oh Hussein! Your ninth child, the one who will rise for justice… I swear to God who chose Muhammad (PBUH) for the prophecy and then he chose me to lead all the humans, this incident will happen. But this will happen after the Occultation and a period of perplexity.” (Bihar al-Anwar, volume 51, page 110)

6- The anticipation of the angels;

In the speech of Imam Sadiq (PBUH), we read that after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the angels cried and mourned and said that: “Oh God! Are you going to leave the son of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) alone?” Then, God showed them the shadow of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) and said: “I will take revenge against the oppressors and the murderers of Hussein (PBUH) by this Qa’em.” (Najm al-Saqib, volume 2, page 65)


The interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance (Part 4)

Let’s read, think and share, so everyone could know

The Karbala movement was a seed which was implanted on the day of Ashura, so it can grow with the passage of time and give fruits in the time of the Reappearance. Here are some examples of interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance;

7. Ziarat Ashura on the night of Mid-Sha’ban

The recommendation to recite Ziarat of Imam Hussain (PBUH) on the night of the birth of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is the supreme deed of that night and causes the forgiveness of sins and brings many rewards.

8. Imam Mahdi’s call at the time of the Reappearance

Most expressive of all is the word of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) himself after the Reappearance that he stands between Rukn and Maqam and calls: “O the people of the world! Be aware and know that I am the Qa’im Imam and the avenging sword. O the residents of the world! Be aware that my ancestor, Hussain (PBUH) was killed while he was thirsty and his body was left on the ground without dress …” (Elzam al-Naseb, p. 284)


The interconnections between Ashura and the Reappearance (Part 5)

Let’s read, think and share, so everyone could know

The Karbala Movement (Neinava) was a seed in which was implanted on the day of Ashura, to grow over time and give fruit in the time of the Reappearance. Here are some examples of connection in between Ashura and the Reappearance:

9- The Raj’at (Return) of Imam Hussain (PBUH)

At the time of Raj’at (Return), Imam Hussain (PBUH) will be the first Imam who returns to the world. He will also be the one who will wash, shroud and bury Imam Mahdi (PBUH)… (Bihar al-Anwar, v. 53, p. 46, 103)

10- Laylat al-Qadr (Qadr night)

At the night of Qadr, which is also the night of the perfect human -Imam Mahdi (PBUH)- and the night that angles are granted the honor to be in his noble presence, also Imam Hussain’s pilgrimage is recommended.

Many similar evidences, bring closer the mission and responsibility of  “the awaiting persons of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) during the Occultation” to the “Companions of Imam Hussain (PBUH) in Ashura”; because the Imam calls for “pure and Godly devotees who would be as faithful as Imam Hussain’s companions in Ashura.”


Source: Mahdiaran Channel (@Mahdiaran);