Imam al-Mahdi will introduce himself through Imam al-Ḥusayn and the event of ‘Ᾱshūrā


Imam al-Mahdi will introduce himself through Imam al-Ḥusayn and the event of ‘Ᾱshūrā

Imam Mahdi is a man from the descendant of the holy Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ḥusayn. It’s narrated that when Imam Mahdi appeares, he will stand next to Ka’ba in Mecca, introduce himself by Imam Ḥusayn and what happened on the day of ‘Ashura to him and state clearly five sentences:


«ألا یا أهل العالم أنا الإمام القائم

ألا یا أهل العالم أنا الصمصام المنتقم

ألا یا أهل العالم إن جدّی الحسین قتلوه عطشانا

ألا یا أهل العالم إنّ جدّی الحسین علیه السّلام طرحوه عریانا

ألا یا أهل العالم إنّ جدّی الحسین علیه السّلام سحقوه عدوانا»



“O people of the world! I am the uprising Imam.

 O people of the world! I am the avenger.

 O people of the world! my grandfather, Hussain, was killed while he was thirsty.

 O people of the world! my grandfather was left without dress.

O people of the world! they damaged the body of my grandfather.”


 Ilzām Al-Naṣib, vol. 2, p. 233


