From ʿᾹshūrā up to the Appearance; (Twenty points)

From ʿᾹshūrā up to the Emergence; (20 points)


  1. Peace and comfort are of the characteristics which belong to right life

We can be a role model for people of the world, by paving the path of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh); that is, we can live in such a way that people express, “The followers of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh) are so chivalrous, calm, purely and delighted!” Tranquility and comfort are of the characteristics that belong to the true life. Having a more comfortable life is not only a personal benefit, but also it is a social, historical, and Mahdavī [related to Imām Zamān (mGehr)] responsibility.
We are supposed to start from our society so that we can affect the world society
In our city, every faithful individual who lives happier, calmer, freer, and more comfortable, will be a role model for others.


  1. Be prepared for [oncoming] calamity!

Professor: Raefipour

I will read to you the words of His Excellency [Husayn (pbuh)]’s exact farewell, which he stated before joining the battle.

He stated advised his household:

اِسْتَعِدُّوا لِلْبَلاءِ

Be prepared for calamity,


And know

اَنَّاللّه حاميكُمْ وَحافِظُكُمْ وَسَيُنْجِيُكُمْ مِنْ شَرّالاعْداءِ

God is your defender and protector, and He will save you from the evil of enemies,

وَيَجْعَلْ عاقِبَةَ اءَمْرِكُمْ اِلى خَيْرٍ

Also [God] makes the end of your affair to good,

وَيُعَذِّبُ عَدُوَّكُمْ

and will torment your enemy, with the types of torments!

وَيُعَوِّضَكُمْ عَنْ هذِهِ الْبَلِيَّةِ بَاءْنواعِ النِّعَمِ وَالْكَرامَةِ

He will compensate you for this misfortune, with various blessings and dignity.

فَلا تَشْكُوا، وَلا تَقُولُوا بِاءلْسِنَتِكُمْ،

[Be aware!] Don’t complain and don’t say the words,

ما يَنْقُصُ مِنْ قَدْرِكُمْ

which diminishes your worth.

(The Excellency liked for them to say:)

مارأیتُ اِلّا جَمیلاً!*

I have only seen beautiful… [I haven’t seen anything, but beauties!]

*This sentence would be stated afterward by Her Majesty Zaynab, in damned Yazīd’s palace


Yes, these messages have not only been for Imām Huṣayn (pbuh)’s household but also for us!

Protect the religion of God; be sure God will protect you.

The most important message which is for all of us is:

Preserve in your religion even in the worst conditions; God will definitely bless you.

It is specially used in this Era [The Last Era], as in Qurʾān, it reads:

[Surah Māʾidah, Verse 54]

وَ لا یَخافُونَ لَومَةَ لَآئم

…and shall not fear the censure of any censurer;

You go to heyat, are on fast, say prayers, but you don’t do [some important] actions?!

[Some people react,] “No we don’t!”

Well, see your Imām Zamān (mGehr) is satisfied with you or not!

  1. You need to endure toil [to make yourself perfect]!

Professor: Raefipour

The path of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh)* is as easy and available as going down the stairs; you can’t imagine how things went well!

The path of Imām Zamān**is vice versa! It’s as if, you are going uphill but you see there is a lot of gravel! Well, you will find a van [Satan], moving in front of you and shoveling gravel at your feet! The sand [or gravel] is starting to slip under your feet.

You are sliding but you cannot even complain, because his speed is more than you. He is driving a car!

Well, that’s you who is expected to pave the way; you will be tested as to how far you can go. Then, we will see you have paved ten kilometers but you have to climb the mountain up and down too!

Now, God removes obstacles from life at once! You see, the activities that are for Imām Zamān (mGehr) become rooted and permanent in such a way that no one can destroy them.
When you type in the address bar of google “The lecture+download”, it will show one item of all about that lecture and that is enough.

Right, Quran mentions the same thing too:

[Surah Fajr, Verses1& 2:]


By the break of Day

ولیال عشر

By the Nights twice five

Yes, you will be made perfect automatically, on the path of Mahdavīiat!

The importance is that, “You [ourselves]” must make yourself first!”

*It refers to going to Karbalā for Arbaʽeen.

** It refers to looking forward to the emergence and paving the Imām’s way.

  1. Epics of the Last Era

Professor: Panāhian

They begged Imām Sādiq (pbuh), “O, sir! Rise…, I please you, beg you! You have a lot of companions!”

The sir replied, “Are you of those people that you won’t get sad or don’t care a fig, if you used each other’s’ money and take each other’s’ money without permission?!

They reacted, “No, sir! Bargain is bargain!

There, he stated, “The latest Imām (mgehr)’s companions are like this! Their property is not persona!”

They confessed, “No, we aren’t like this!”

The Imām (pbuh) stated, “So, don’t call me to come”!

~~~ * ~~~

Now, I point to this hadith; just this hadith that is, the brotherhood and sacrifice in an immeasurable way, before the Emergence. It’s the only point, I wish the emergence of Imam Zaman did not take so long. Yes, the point is, “O, Huṣayn (pbuh)! What if I had been in Karbalā, and I sacrificed my life for you!”

Well, you don’t need to sacrifice your life! Come and care your brother’s or friend’s reputation as yours! These are Epics of the Last Era; you will be oppressed. Yes, nearer we get to the emergence, more oppressed we will be!  Keep in mind, it’s the autarchy modern type of being oppressed!

  1. Allegiance is not an easy matter

Professor: Panāhian

Behaving according to the phrase “Labbayk Yā Mahdī (mgehr)”1 is much harder than the phrase “Labbayk Yā Ḥusayn (pbuh)”

When you say “Labbayk Yā Ḥusayn (pbuh)”; That means, ‘I am ready to help you’. Just as the martyrs of Karbalā, who helped Abū ʿAbd Allāh Ḥusayn (pbuh).

But, the helpers whom His Majesty Imām Zamān (mGehr) wants, are different from the helpers of Abū ʿAbd Allāh Ḥusayn (pbuh); not in terms of rank and status, but in terms of function.

When the helpers of His Majesty Imām Zamān (mgehr) pledge allegiance to him, it does not mean that “I am ready to sacrifice my life for you, serving your worship”. His Majesty has already enough people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for him.

It means, I am ready to help you to rule the world. And this is much more difficult than sacrifice. Because it requires a lot of stability, a lot of sincerity, and a lot of purity. Allegiance is not an easy matter!

An individual pledges allegiance; when you pledge allegiance, you must stand by your pledge.
1.     It means, “Oh Ḥusayn (pbuh), I am responding to your call”


  1. Be prepared for the disaster

Professor: Mr. Raefipour

In the last farewell of His Majesty Imām Ḥusayn (pbuh) – I’m reading the exact text for you– when he was going to leave, he stated:

اِسْتَعِدُّوا لِلْبَلاءِ،   Be ready for the calamity!

وَاعْلَمُوا  But know that,

اَنَّاللّه حاميكُمْ وَحافِظُكُمْ وَسَيُنْجِيُكُمْ مِنْ شَرّالاعْداءِ، وَيَجْعَلْ عاقِب

ةَ اءَمْرِكُمْ اِلى خَيْر

verily, God is your guardian and protector, and he will save you from evil of the enemies, and will make your outcome good

يُعَذِّبُ عَدُوَّكُمْ،      He will torment your enemy by the most severe torment

وَيُعَوِّضَكُمْ عَنْ هذِهِ الْبَلِيَّةِ بَاءْنواعِ النِّعَمِ وَالْكَرامَةِ

He will compensate you for this misfortune with various blessings and dignity

فَلا تَشْكُوا

But, do not complain!

وَلا تَقُولُوا بِاءلْسِنَتِكُمْ،

And do not say with your tongues

ما يَنْقُصُ مِنْ قَدْرِكُمْ،

what that may diminish your dignity

مارأیتُ اِلّا جَمیلاً،

I like you to say such, ‘I saw nothing but beauty’

That message is not [just] for Imām Ḥusayn ’s (pbuh) wife and children, that message is for us.  Guard the religion of God and know that, God will be your guardian. The most important message for all of us is, “Stand by your religion in the worst situation”.

If you do so, you will be blessed; specially in that era. Qurʾān has stated about the last era, ‘And shall not fear the censure of any censurer’1.

Do you usually go to Hayʾat2? Do you fast [In Ramadhan or other times]? Do you say prayer? You don’t do that?! No, its bad. Don’t you do that?

[the address answers:] No, I don’t.

See if your Imām Zamān is satisfied or not?
1.     Holy Qurʾān, surah Al-Maeda, verse 54.

2.     a religious foundation holding mourning ceremonies for the Prophet Muhammad (pbu &h) and his Ahl al-Bayt.


  1. “Karbalā” the bridge of Appearance

The rise of Imam Huṣayn (pbuh) wasn’t not limited in time and space.

As supporting Imām Huṣayn (pbuh) meant fighting in the “battlefront of Karbala”, supporting Ḥojjat ibn al- Haṣan1 [Imām Zamān (mgehr)] is through taking part in the “soft war of knowledge and culture.”

Āshūrāii companions not only weren’t afraid of being wounded by swords and spears, but also they welcomed the martyrdom with smiles.

To establish the Emergence, the ones who look forward to the Emergence have to withstand waspishness and bitter words which may wound their hearts. [It should be] as if, they welcomed it …

Yes! What the right corps did in the battle of ʻĀshūrā, are exactly what the ones who look forward to the Emergence will do. Now, it is appropriate for the ones who look forward to the emergence to study “Lessons of ʻĀshūrā”.

1-     Imām Zamān (mgehr) is called “Ḥojjat ibn al- Haṣan” too. Ibn refers to “son” and Haṣan refers to His father; Imām Haṣan Askarī (pbuh).



  1. The fragrance of…, whose shirt [1]?!

It has been narrated that after Prophet Joseph (pbuh) returned to Canaan, Prophet Jacob (pbuh) insisted him to tell his story,

So Joseph (pbuh) told the story till when “His brothers took off his clothes and threw him into the well”

At this time Prophet Jacob (pbuh) fainted!!

A group pf authors, From the Euphrates to Euphrates, Vol. 1, P.28

There is no doubt, that the story of Prophet Joseph (pbuh) and Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) are not comparable.

But while he had a high spiritual power, Prophet Jacob (pbuh) could not withstand the disaster happened to Joseph (pbuh).

Be honest…which one of us has ever fainted, because of the disasters happened to Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)!?

As a poet said:

Go into fire to feel how I am feeling

You cannot feel burning just by watching!

The event of Āshūrā was a disaster that Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) withstood, in order to guide us.

If an individual realizes the greatness of ʻĀshūrā, s/ he will surely find that Satan’s activities were defeated on that day, and also it will not be lasting.

So, s/ he will believe it will come to an end.

Here, the disaster of Imam Huṣayn (pbuh) relates to the disaster of Imam Zamān (mgehr);

He also considers The Major Occultation Era is big [suffering] divine test for Imam Zamān (mgehr) – since it has prevented his majesty from fulfilling the God’s promise about taking revenge on murderers of his gracious ancestor [Imam Huṣayn (pbuh)] – So he would wish as:

“I beg Allah, who honoured you above others, to be generous towards me on account of you, and give me the opportunity to be with the victorious Imam, the descendent of Muḥammad (blessings and peace be on him and on his children from Allah).” (Part of ʻĀshūrā prayer)

1-     Not only did prophet Josef (pbuh)’s shirt have special fragrance, when his father smelled it, but also Imām Huṣayn (pbuh)’s shirt was sweet- smelling when he died on Ashūrā Day.
Collection Date

  1. The light of the guidance

With his martyrdom, Imam Huṣayn (pbuh) disgraced Umayyad government. And this led to its destruction at last.

Likewise, by his emergence, Imām Zamān (mgehr) will cause a disgrace in all of the oppressing government in the world.

In Nudba prayer, it reads: “Where is the one shattering the arms of the aggressors? Where is the one demolishing the edifices of polytheism and hypocrisy? Where is the one annihilating the people of wickedness, disobedience, and tyranny?

Yes! Karbalā is the very pathway [and passage] to the emergence…

  1. The time Qurʾān commemorates on the martyrs…

Saʿd b. ʿAbd Allāh said:

[Once] Aḥmad b. Isḥāq and I were sitting in the presence of Imām Askarī (pbuh).

I had some questions, [but] the Imām stated, ‘Ask my dear [then he pointed to His Excellency Mahdī (mgehr)].

And I asked a few questions. Then I asked, ‘What is the inner meaning of “Kaf. Ha. Ya. ‘Ain. Sād”1 in Qurʾān

Imām Zamān (mgehr) stated, ‘“Kaf” refers to Karbalā, “Ha” refers to the slaying, “Ya” is Yazīd who oppressed Imām Huṣayn (pbuh), “ ‘Ain” refers to thirst of Imām Ḥusayn (pbuh) and his dear companions, and “Sād” points to His Majesty’s overcoming the disaster, through patience.

1.      Holy Quran, Surah 19, Verse 1.

Tabarsī, iḥtijāj, Vol. 2, P. 268

  1. Two strange reactions; Some news of Battle of Karbalā

When Imām Huṣayne (pbuh) addressed Moslem ibn Aqil1’s children, “Moslem’s martyrdom is too much for your family! You had better go back to your houses.” Moslem’s children reacted, “Are we expected to tell the people, ‘We have left our Imām (pbuh), our leader and elder alone among the enemies. We didn’t defend him?! We swear by God; we will never do such a thing! May our lives and properties be sacrificed for you!”’

He encountered the Imām (pbuh)’s convoy in the way. There, the Imām (pbuh) called him for help. [Yes], he was “ Ubayd Allah ibn Hurr al- Juˈfi”. He reacted, ‘I know whoever aids you, will be prosperous and fortunate hereafter. Yet, don’t insist on me, since my soul isn’t ready to die!

Imām Sadīq (pbuh) stated, ‘When Qāʾim (mgehr) rises, [some] people who look to be his followers, will deviate from The Path [of Guardianship] …’

1-     Muslim ibn ʿAqīl b. Abī Ṭālib, cousin of Imam al-Huṣayn (pbuh) and his representative in the Kūfah before Battle of Karbala and was from Al Abi Talib. Muslim was present in some conquest of Muslims as well as the Battle of Siffin. He went to Kūfah as a representative of Imam al-Huṣayn (pbuh) in order to provide the Imam with a status report of the city and to make sure that people of Kūfah are persistent on and truthful in their invitation of the Imam. In a report to the Imam, he wrote that Kufans were prepared for the Imam’s arrival.

However, after that ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad was appointed as the governor of Kūfah and because people were afraid of him, they suddenly left Muslim alone. Thus, he was arrested and martyred on the day of ‘Arafa (Dhu l-Hijja 9), 60 (September 10, 680). The story of Muslim being left alone and his martyrdom in Kufa is the theme of a well-known lament recited by the Shi’as. The lament is recited on the day of ‘Arafa and sometimes on Muharram.

1-           Mufid, Irshād, P. 231

2-           Tārīkh al- Umam wa ˈl- Mulūk [The history of the nations and kings], Vol. 5, P. 407

3-           Nuˈmani, Al- Ghayba, P. 317.


  1. The one who will revenge for Imam Ḥusayn’s blood, will not exceed the [just] limit in slaying [of the enemies]

«وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ ۗ وَمَنْ قُتِلَ مَظْلُومًا فَقَدْ جَعَلْنَا لِوَلِيِّهِ سُلْطَانًا فَلَا يُسْرِفْ فِي الْقَتْلِ ۖ إِنَّهُ كَانَ مَنْصُورًا»

… And whoever is slain unjustly, we have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided. (Holy Qurʾān, Surah 17, Verse 33)

[In this regard], there is a Ḥadīth which reads: The [above] verse is about Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and Imam Zamān (mgehr); the deceased is Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and his avenger is Qa’im [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)].

By the expression “… Let him not exceed the just limits in slaying” it means, he will not take the life of non-murderers…

They asked Imām Rīḍa(pbuh): While God has stated, “Certainly no one will bear the responsibility of the sins of another.” (Holy Quran, Surah 53, Verse 38), why will Qa’im (mgehr) kill descendants of Sayyid al- Shuhadā; Imam Ḥusayn’s (pbuh) murderers who were not one of his murderers?

The Imām (pbuh) stated: Allah is right! Be aware! Anyone who is satisfied with others’ deeds, it’s as if you did it yourself!

[For example], If a man is killed in the East and someone in the West of the Earth is satisfied with his death, that person is the partner in crime, from God’s perspective.

So Qa’im (mgehr) kills them, because they are satisfied with what their grandfathers did!

Yanābīʿ al-mawadda, P. 590

Tafsīr al-ʿAyyāshī, Vol. 2, P. 290

Holy Qurʾān, Surah 17, Verse 15

Tafsīr al-riwa’i of Al-Burha, (Trans.) Vol.5, P. 852.


  1. Āshūrāii women; The women who look forward to the Emergence

When piety is the criterion of value, the gender isn’t main. Its high time, we recall Siyaneh1 who was a stylist in Ferˈon’s castle. She was a martyr in the right path [Path of God] who will (Rajˈat2) return to the world after the emergence.

Historically, there have been the women who were bright. Of the most well- known and brilliant ones are: Their Excellencies Fatimah, Maryam, and Asiya (pbu th).

When Imām Huṣayn (pbuh)’s rose, some women played effective roles:

[For example;] To’e sheltered to Moslem ibn ‘Aghil. Zuhayr’s wife sent her husband, to the convoy of the Imām (pbuh) and the people who would be martyrs in Karbalā.

‘Abdoulah ibn Umayr’s mother, who intended to battlefield and fight, even after her son was martyr.

And the best was, Her Excellency Zaynab al-Kubrā3 (pbuh) “The heroin of Karbalā movement”. She was of the symbol of patience and perseverance against hypocrisy.

Today in The Occultation Era, there are also virtuous, faithful and religious women are religious too who will The Excellency (mgehr) His Excellency.

1-  Siyaneh was the daughter of Fer’on’s hairstylist. And she was prophet Hezbil’s wife (pbuh), who was mentioned as the belief of dynasty of Fer’on in Qur’an. Having firm faith, patience and endurance, this Lady did an outstanding reaction in history. In the book “Khasāes Fātemiyeh”, it was narrated that in the government of Imam Zamān(mgehr) thirteen women will Rajˈat to this world for helping to cure the wounded. One of them is Siyaneh al –Māsheteh. (Māsheteh means, hair stylist).

2-Rajʿa is the belief that a group of people who have died will return to the Earth shortly after the Emergence of the twelfth Shi’a Imām, al-Mahdī (mgehr). It is a belief particular to the Shi’a Muslims. The Qur’an has mentioned the story of some people who have been resurrected after death. Based on some hadiths, a number of perfect believers as well as a number of complete infidels will return to this world. The return of Imam ʿAlī (pbuh) and Imām al-Huṣayn (pbuh) has been especially emphasized. Since there are Mutawātir hadiths about Raj ‘a, it is a certain fact.

3-Her Excellency Zaynab (pbuh) was Imām Alie (pbuh)’s daughter. She was very brave, patient and a knowing woman. All her sons became martyrs in the event of Karbalā. and she tolerated all those unbelievable shocking disasters. At the first day of Safar, according to a narration of Turabi, when they arrived at Damascus, they and the heads of fallen ones were taken into Yazīd’s presence. The identity of each head and killed people were explained to him. Then he paid attention to an objecting woman. Yazīd asked: “Who is this arrogant woman?” The woman rose to answer and said: “Why are you asking them [the women]? Ask me. I will tell you. I am the granddaughter of Muḥammad. I am the daughter (pbuh&h) of Fatimah (pbuh).” People at the court were impressed and amazed by her.


  1. At Imām Ḥusayn’s School

 “To help the Imam (pbuh)”, is the main lesson of this school… [the divine school]!

In the session “Jāmi’ah Kabīrah”1, the prayer doesn’t read “make me ready to help him”.

But it implies “I am ready to help you; you can count on me, [and] my help is ready for you …”

That is why in the session Ahad2, the ones who looks forward to the Emergence say chorally:

اللهُمَّ إنّی اُجَدِدُ لَهُ فی صَبیحَةِ یَومی هذا وَ ما عِشتُ مِن أیّامی عَهداً وَ عَقدا وَ بَیعَةً لَه فی عُنُقی، لا أحولُ عَنها وَ لا أزولُ أبَدا.

“O, Allah, I update to him in the beginning of the day and throughout the days of lifetime a pledge, a covenant, and allegiance to which I commit myself and from which I neither convert nor change.”

And now it is high time, we take the exam! O, followers of Ḥusayn (pbuh)! Get ready …!


1-  Jāmi’ah Kabīrah is a comprehensive prayer by Imām Hādī (pbuh), which makes the reader familiar with Imams (pbu th)’ features.

2- Ahad prayer is from Imam Sadīq (mgher), which includes the reincarnation of Imam Zamān (pbuh). This prayer is one of the prayers that have been emphasized on reading it during the absence of the Imam of Time (pbuh). It is said that anyone who reads this prayer for forty mornings, they will be His Excellency Qa’im (mgehr)’s servants.


  1. The one who completes Imām Ḥusayn’s Journey…

Imām Ḥusayn (pbuh) headed toward Kūfah [as he had been requested], in order to set there the headquarters of Islāmic jurisdiction, like his gracious father [Imām ʿAlī (pbuh)].

[But] when the political atmosphere changed in Kūfah, the very inviters blocked the road to the Imām (pbuh)!!

Yet, he settled in Karbalā inevitably, in 2nd Muḥarram.

But when the glowing sun of Mecca [Imām Zaman (mgehr)] rises, he will choose Kūfah as the headquarters of his jurisdiction.

And there, the commute of his Āshūrāii companions2 will make Kūfah the centerpiece of the jurisdiction.

And the light of Islamic jurisdiction will cover everywhere…

1-     Muḥarram is the first month of the Islamic calendar in which, the Battle of Karbalā happened

2-     Āshūrāii companions, will be like Imām Huṣayn (pbuh)’s companions in behavior.


  1. In the noble prayer of Nudba [that we read] on Friday mornings, it reads:

«أَینَ الطَّالِبُ بِذُحُولِ الاَنْبِیاءِ وَاَبناءِ الاَنْبِیاءِ اَینَ الطَّالِبُ بِدَمِ المَقْتُولِ بِکربَلاء»

Where is that revenger [we are looking forward to], who will take the wrongdoers’ right against the prophets and their households (pbu th)?

Where is the avenger of [his lonely ancestor; Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)] the martyr in The Battle of Karbalā1?

1-     The Battle of Karbala took place on Muharram 10, in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar (October 10, 680 AD) a in Karbala, in present-day Iraq. [6] The battle took place between a small group of supporters and relatives of Muhammad’s grandson, Ḥusayn ibn Ali, and a larger military detachment from the forces of Yazīd I, the Umayyad caliph.

When Mu’āwiya I died in 680, Ḥusayn did not give allegiance to his son, Yazid I, who had been appointed as Umayyad caliph by Muawiyah; Ḥusayn considered Yazīd’s succession a breach of the Hasan–Mu’āwiya treaty. The people of Kūfah sent letters to Ḥusayn, asking his help and pledging allegiance to him, but they later did not support him. As Ḥusayn traveled towards Kūfah, at a nearby place known as Karbala, his caravan was intercepted by Yazid I’s army led by Al-Hurr ibn Yazid al Tamimi. He was killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala by Shimr Ibn Thil-Jawshan, along with most of his family and companions, including Ḥusayn’s six month old son, ‘Ali al-Asghar, with the women and children taken as prisoners. [6][7] The battle was followed by later uprisings namely, Ibn al-Zubayr, Tawwabin, and Mukhtar uprising which occurred years later.

The Battle of Karbalā played a central role in shaping the identity of the Shia and turned them into a sect with “its own rituals and collective memory.” For the Shia, Ḥusayn’s suffering and death became a symbol of sacrifice “in the struggle for right against wrong, and for justice and truth against wrongdoing and falsehood.” Hence, the battle becomes more than a politically formative moment of the Shia faith within Islam. It also defines the theological origin of the Shia martyr ethos, and it provides members of the faith with a catalogue of heroic norms whose impact is still felt today. Therefore, the commemoration of the Battle of Karbalā must be seen as a paradigm (i. e. the “Karbalā paradigm”), since the view of history conveyed by it claims to provide a self-contained cosmology applicable to all aspects of life.


  1. The Link between Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and Imam Zaman (mgehr).

Peace be upon Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s thirsty lips…

He was not thirsty for water, but for ‘Labbaik [allegiance].

Of the resemblances between these two noble [Imams], are having been given the titles “Gharīb” [not truly known], “Ṭarīd” [is in Major Occultation] and Sharīd [doesn’t stay in one place].

The pilgrimage of Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) is recommended on Mid Sha’ban rituals.

[The above sentence] may be a warning to “Absenteeism era people”, [to recall]

Ḥusayn (pbuh) was the Imam of those, who called him via “al-‘Ajal” [expedite].

But in the end, they left him alone and martyred him oppressively!

Lest those who are looking forward the Emergence do the same.


  1. There is an unbreakable bond between Āshūrā and looking forward to the Emergence

It has been many years since Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s lonesome appeal.

But from moment to moment, its reflection has been improved in the history.

This is a cry which with utmost firmness, motivates and rises the liberals in the world till he [The Savior: Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] emerges.

He will come and the calls of Sayyid of martyrs [Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)], all the prophets (pbu th) and the blessed ones.

He will hold on the flag which has been left behind!

He will also heal the agonies of the past, and fulfill wishes of the agonized ones.

Yes! “Looking forward to the Emergence” is Shiites’ refreshing view to the red horizon of Karbala.

Today, just the people can wish to follow Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and answer to the call “We wish we had followed you!” who haven’t failed to perform their tasks in the Major Occultation era1.

The ones who will answer to Imam Mahdi (mgehr)’s call: Is there a helper who helps me?, will [in fact] tell Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) “Here I am! [I will help you].

Peace be upon them!

  1. There is an Inextricably bound between ʻĀshūrā’1 and the Emergence!

It has many years since, the imam Hussain( pbuh) cryed for help.

And the latitudinarian, raise and expand this widespread cry with the utmost rigor till imam Zaman( hgr)’ s emergence. Hence, the world keeps reflecting on it moment by moment…He[ imam Zaman( hgr)] will come and will response to Sayyid al-Shuhada [ imam Husayn]’ s, all prophets( pbu th) ‘ and the righteous’ cry.
He will carry that worthy left flag,
And will heal the old pains.
He will fullfill great ideals.
Yes. in fact the Emergence is Shiites’ look promising to Karbalā’ red [full of blood] horizen.

O. We have been truely following you.
During occultation periof, just the peolpe who …. for imam Zaman and …, can wish they had been assisting imam Husayn( pbuh) in Karbala,

Peace be on them! the one who doesn’t fail to perform this duty, is like the true one who reponded to Imam Hussain( pbuh)’ s cry
1-Ashura is a solemn day of mourning the martyrdom of Hussein in 680 AD at Karbala in modern-day Iraq. It is marked with mourning rituals and passion plays re-enacting the martyrdom


  1. If we tear along with Imam Mahdi

If we tear along with Imam Zaman (mgehr) [our tears are on the basis of faith and knowledge],

We will tear truly for Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh).

[Then] the path of the heavens opens to us;

thus, these tears make us grow in order to help Imam Zaman (mgehr)

Source: shorten-post/