A glance at the Imam al-ʿAskari’s life

A glance at the Imam al-ʿAskari’s life

Taken from a Slide

  • 2. Father: Imam Ali al-Hadi Al-Naqi (as), 10th imam Mother: Sawsan Date of Birth:8th Rabi ath-Thāni 232 AH Place of Birth: Madina. Nickname : Al-Askari. Was called so because he lived in the city of Samarra , which was a military camp. Askar means army in Arabic Death : Died at the age of 28, in Samarah, on Friday the eighth Rabi-ul-Awwal 260 A.H. ( 873 A.D.) buried in Samarra period of Imamate: 6 years
  • 3. When Imam Askari(as) was only 2 years old, his family was forcibly moved from madina to Samarra. The reason for this was because the evil Caliph of the time-Mutawakkil wanted to keep a close eye on Imam’s father-Imam Ali Al-Naqi (as). Imam Hasan al Askari’s (as) life from childhood to adulthood was spent in a house where his father Imam ‘Ali Naqi (as) was to remain under house arrest. But despite this close guard on the Imam, Imam Askari (as) remained under the guidance of his father for 22 years.The Imam he conducted his duties as Imam from inside the house, teaching people The Quran and instructing his followers on the true teachings of Islam as taught by the Prophet of Islam and his Ahlul Bayt.
  • 4. • Imam Al-Naqi (as) Imam Askari’s (as) father was under close surveillance by Caliph Mutawakkil’s spies In the city of Samara. Spies were everywhere • Even restricting the Shias from meeting their imam
  • 5. Imām Hasan al-Askari (‘a) led a simple life and even from the time of his childhood, he taught people not to waste time. One day, when he was a young boy, A man was walking by a group of children with a young boy watching them. The man asked the young boy –who was Imam Al Askari(as): ‘do you want to play with the other boys your age?’ Imām Hasan al-Askari (as) replied to the man, ‘we were not created to play.’ Then the Imām recited the following verse of the Qur’ān: We did not create the sky and earth and whatever is between them for play Sura Anbiya-21:16 Then imam al- Askari said (as) ; This world will one day perish, It will not remain for anyone and no one will remain in it.
  • 6. • There is a famous incident involving a man called Yaqub al-Kindi, considered as a great philosopher of Iraq. • Al-Kindi wrote a book in which he claimed some verses of the holy Quran were contradictory.He wanted to prove that the Quran was not the word of Almighty Allah (SWT). • Imam Hassan Askari (as), waited for an opportunity to prove him wrong .
  • 7. One day, by chance one of Al-Kindi’s students came to Imam Hassan Askari (as). • Imam Hassan Askari (as) asked him: "Is there anyone amongst you who can stop your teacher from wasting his time in this useless effort fighting the Noble Qur'an?" • The student replied: "Sir, we are his students, how can we object to his teaching?“ • Imam Hassan Askari (as): urged the student that he could at least convey to his teacher what he (imam) had to say. • The Student agreed.
  • 8. • Imam Al-Askari (as) gave the student some questions to give his teacher and also told him to ask his teacher; • “is it not possible that when you read a book you may not have understood what the author was intending to say”? • This was in reference to the questions he had raised on the Quran, the author being ALLAH (swt)
  • 9. Student gives Al-Kindi Imam’s response • When the student met his teacher, gave him the questions that Imam had given him. Al-Kindi was amazed, but did not believe his student that all this was from him (student). The Student admitted the questions were from Imam Hassan Al- Askari (as). Al-Kindi remarked; “ now you have spoken the truth. Only someone from the house of Ahl Bayt can come up with this” Al-Kindi realized his errors and ordered that the book that he wrote be burnt
  • 10. • Yaqub al-Kindi was not alone in benefiting from Imam Hassan Askari (as). Several scholars benefited from his oceans of knowledge. • Many others who came into contact with Imam Hassan Askari (as), later became leading scientists,, Mathematicians and doctors
  • 11. Imam under constant imprisonment • The Abbasid Caliphs constantly imprisoned Imam Hassan Askari (as) just to harass him and break him down. Caliph Mutawakkil, ordered his jailer ,Salih bin Wasif to treat Imam Hassan Askari (as) very harshly. Salih sent for two of the evilest men he could find to beat and torture the Imam. • After a while, when Salih went to check on their progress, he found the two evil men had changed into men of worship, constantly praying. A furious Salih questioned them and they replied: • "What can we say about a man who fasts through the day and stands (in prayer) through the night, who does not speak and occupies himself with nothing except worship? When he looks at us, our limbs shake and within us is (a feeling) which we have never had."
  • 13. • After Salih’s first attempt to torture the Imam (as) failed, he sent in another cruel man called Nahrir. Nahrir ignored even his own wife who warned him: • "Fear Allah (SWT), have you no idea of who is imprisoned in your prison? He is a pious man and a great worshipper of Allah (SWT). I am afraid that Allah (SWT) will curse you." • Nahrir replied: "O' really. Just watch me; I am going to send him inside the cage of the wild animals." • Imam Hassan Askari (as) was sent to this cage and the people thought that this was the end of Imam Hassan Askari's (as) life. But when they returned to look what had happened instead they all witnessed that Imam Hassan Askari (as) was surrounded by the wild animals which all were prostrating before Him.
  • 15. Imam’s condition in prison Ahmed Bin Ishaq relates that when he went to Samarra and asked for the whereabouts of the 11th Imam, he was told that Imam had been imprisoned. After bribing the guards he was able to visit Imam one night. He described the prison as a tunnel under the caliph’s home where there was no space to stretch ones legs nor room to be able to stand. Ahmed says he cried when he saw Imams condition. Food was only one glass of water and a piece of dry bread a day.
  • 17. Ismail bin Muhammad says, "I was sitting on the road waiting for our 11th Imam, so that I may stop him and ask him for money. Before that, I had hidden 200 dinars as my saving.” “As Imam Hassan Askari (as) passed by, i rushed and stopped him and swore to him that I was very poor and had no money”. “Imam (as) though annoyed with my swearing, asked his servant to give me all the money he was carrying and then told me; • "We do not deprive anybody from our help but you took a false oath and made Allah (SWT) angry. You must never do that again. Depend on Allah (SWT) and have in him, You have hidden 200 Dinars hidden, but you will not be able to lay your hands upon them, when you need them." • Ismail says “One day when I extremely needed those coins, I rushed towards the place I had hidden them. But there was no sign of the coins. I came to know that my son saw me burying the coins and took it and ran away”. This was exactly the way Imam Hassan Askari (as) had predicted
  • 19. Once, when the imam (as) was in prison, There was a severe drought in Samarra. Water dried up and crops died. Prayers organized by the Muslims were not successful. However a Christian priest came and whenever he raised his hands, it would rain. The Muslim’s faith started wavering and the Caliph got worried for if they left Islam he would have none to rule over. The Caliph Mutaz brought Imam Al-Askari (as) from prison telling the imam: “Save your grandfather’s religion as people are doubting Islam”. Imam (as) asked the Caliph to call all the people outside Samarra with the Christian priest. He asked the Christian priest to pray for rain. When the priest raised his hands, Imam noticed that his one hand was in a closed fist. Imam asked for whatever was in the priest’s hands to be taken away. Imam (as) then asked the priest to pray for rain again. There was no rain this time. Imam (as) revealed the priest’s secret- the priest had in this hand a bone of a past Prophet which whenever placed under the open sky caused it to rain from the mercy and blessing of ALLAH (swt) . After this Imam (as) raised his hands to pray for rain The imam being a direct descendant of prophet muhammad (saw) was also blessed like the prophets, by ALLAH (swt). his prayer was answered as the dark clouds began to gather and it rained. The people were overjoyed and the Caliph Mutaz could not send imam back to prison. Thus imam was freed and he could go back to his house, though only for some time.
  • 20. After the death of Caliph Mutawakkil, the Turks in the army became very powerful. They began controlling more of the Government and there was tension with the Caliphs Caliph Mutaz, was attacked by some Turks, whipped, chained and left to die in the dungeon. It was during this, when the enemy were in their own problems, our 12th Imam (as) was born on 15th Shaaban 256 AH. His birth was kept a secret and only a few close companions of Imam Askari (as) knew.
  • 22. The story behind Imam Askari’s wife-Nargis Imam’s father Imam Ali Naqi (as) asked his friend Bishr Al-Ansari to go to Baghdad. The Imam gave a letter, which he placed in a red purse, with 220 Dinars and then said to his friend; “Take this letter and go to Baghdad. Go to the ferry at the River Tigris when the boats from Syria are being unloaded. Look out for the ship owner whose name is Amr. Observe when he exhibits a slave girl who would be wearing two silk garments and a veil to protect her from being seen or handled by the buyers. You will hear this girl say the following in the language of the Romans” “even if you have the wealth and glory of Solomon the son of David, I can never have affection for you, so do not waste your money in purchasing me.” Imam said her owner, amr will then protest saying that he has to sell her . But the slave girl will answer; “Why this haste?” “let me choose my purchaser, so that my heart may accept him in confidence and gratitude?” Imam told Bshir; "Bshir, after this , go to Amr and inform him that you have a letter for the girl. You must give this letter to the slave girl to read, so that she may agree to be bought by you”.
  • 23. Bishr goes to baghdad • Bishr Al-Ansari said that he followed all the instructions as given to him by his master, Imam Ali Al-Naqi (as) with regard to this slave girl. All the events that his master foretold materialized. Bishr Al-Ansari added: When she read the letter, she started to cry and said to amr to sell her to the writer of this letter, swearing and threatening to kill herself if he did not. Bishr started to bargain with the slave trader on the price until he agreed to sell her at amount given to Bishr by his Imam Ali Al-Naqi (as). • Bishr received the cheering and happy slave girl and accompanied her to a room where he had rented in Baghdad. As she sat down, she took out the letter and started kissing it and swabbing with it her eyes and face.
  • 24. Nargis Khatoon’s story • Bishr commented : “You are kissing a letter of someone you do not know?” • Nargis (as) related her story in arabic, which amazed Bishr : “Little do you know of the position of descendants of Prophet Mohammed (saw). My name is Malika daughter of Yashoa, the son of Caesar the King of the Romans. My mother is a descendant of Shamoon (simon) who was a disciple of Jesus, son of Mary (sa).” • Nargis (as) continued; • "My grandfather the Caesar wanted to marry me off to his nephew. He summoned to his palace 300 monks, priests and dignitaries all descendants of the disciples of Jesus. He also called 4000 men of his high ranking officers and noblemen. A magnificent throne, adorned with jewels and gems and huge crosses was erected in the palace and raised forty steps high.”
  • 25. The throne collapses • Nargis (as) added: "As my grandfather's nephew went up the throne the bishops stood up and opened their bibles.Suddenly the palace started to shake, the crosses fell to the ground and the throne crashed down as its pillars shattered. His nephew was knocked down unconscious. The bishops turned pale and trembled. A senior bishop said to my grandfather: “O' King, relieve us from attending this ceremony and witness these signs which augur an evil omen of the end of Christianity and the Royal religion."
  • 26. Another attempt • Nargis (as) said: "My grandfather was severely disturbed by this. He angrily commanded that the crosses be lifted and the pillars fixed. He ordered that ceremony to continue and called upon the brother of his nephew to marry me instead, so that the good fortunes of the latter nephew would stave off the jinx of his brother. Once again a tremor hit the palace causing great fear among the guests who ran away leaving the palace. My grandfather was saddened by this and returned to his sleeping chamber.”
  • 27. The marriage ceremony • Nargis (as) said: "That night, I had a vision as I saw Jesus (as) with Shamoon and a number of other disciples in the palace of my grandfather. I also saw some noblemen entering the palace. They were introduced to me as the prophet Mohammad (saw), Imam Ali (as) his sons.” • “Jesus (as) advanced to receive them and embraced Prophet Mohammad (saw). Prophet Mohammad (saw) said to Jesus:” • "O' spirit of God, I have come to you to wed your disciple Shamoon's daughter Malika to this son of mine, pointing out to Imam Hassan Askari (as). Jesus (as) looked at Shamoon and said: Honor has marched towards you. Relate your kin to the kinship of the progeny of Prophet Mohammad (saw). Shamoon agreed. Then Prophet Mohammad (saw) gave an eloquent speech and conducted my marriage ceremony to his son imam Hassan Al Askari (as)”
  • 28. Fatima Zahra(as) visits Nargis Khatoon • Nargis (as) then said: “After 14 nights, i saw another vision where I saw Fatima (as) daughter of Prophet Mohammad (saw) and Mary (as) mother of Jesus (as) along with a number of maids of honor came to visit me.” • “Mary (as) said to me: "This is Fatima your husband's mother." I embraced her and cried and complained that Imam Hassan Askari (as) did not come to see me. She said that her son would not visit me until I embraced Islam.” • “I was willing heart and soul to accept Islam, and spoke those words: Ash'hado An La Ilaha Illa Allah, Wa Anna Mohammadan RasoolAllah. Fatima (as) embraced me and said: "Now expect the visit of Imam Hassan Askari(as)’ I will send him to you". • On the following night, I saw Imam Hassan Askari(as) He visited me every night ever since.
  • 29. Nargis captured disguised as a maid • Bishr Al-Ansari asked: "Then how you became a captive?" Nargis (as) said: "Imam Hassan Askari (as) told me one night, that my grandfather will send out a big army to fight the Muslims and then he would join that army later on. When that happens, I was to follow my grandfather disguised as a maid. As I did what I was told, I found myself surrounded by the Muslim army. I was taken captive. No body knew that I was a Roman princess and I never told anyone. The rest of the story you witnessed in the slave market.“ • Bishr Al-Ansari asked: "How come you are a Roman and you speak Arabic so well?" • Nargis (as) replied: “My grandfather loved me so much that he wanted me to study literature and languages. He appointed his royal female interpreter as my teacher. She taught me Arabic until I became proficient with it."
  • 30. Nargis Khatoon meets Imam Ali al-Naqi • Bishr Al-Ansari said: “When I returned back to Samarra with Nargis (as), I took her to Imam Ali Al-Naqi (as), her husband's father, who asked her: "How Allah showed you the dignity of Islam and the honor of Mohammad and his progeny (as)?" She said: "What can I say O' son of the Messenger of Allah about what you know better than I do." • Imam Ali Al-Naqi (as) Gave Nargis (as) the good news that she and his son Imam Hassan Al-Askari (as) will be the parents of the 12th and final Imam(as) • Imam Naqi (as) entrusted Nargis (as) to his sister Hakimah and asked her to teach Nargis (as) the basic principles of Islam. After sometime she was married to Imam Hasan Askari (as)
  • 31. Imam Askari(as) prepares the shias • Imam (as) prepared the shias in many many ways for the coming of our 12th and final Imam (as). • Imam wrote letters to shias explaining why the Imam will go into Ghayabat and what is expected from them.
  • 32. Martyrdom of Imam Askari (as) • The Caliph Mutamid, received reports that a son may have been born in the house of Imam Hassan Al- Askari(as) and that he was the final Mahdi who would bring justice to the world. • The caliph was terrified and increased his spying on the holy house. Bearing no success, the evil caliph finally decided to poison Imam Hassan Al- Askari(as) • Imam died on 8th Rabi al Awal 260 AH, at the age of 28. even though Imam was so young, his hair had become white due to the sufferings he bore in prison
  • 33. Imam Mahdi leads the funeral prayers Caliph Mutamid himself attended the funeral prayer. When everyone had lined up, Imam Hasan al-Askari’s(as) brother, Jaafar stood in front of the people to lead the prayer(salat Al mayyat). Before he could commence the prayer, a five year old boy came out of the house, went near his uncle, and told him • “Please move aside uncle, only an Imam can lead the funeral prayer of another Imam”. • His uncle Jaafar stepped aside and this five year old boy led the prayers. Immediately after the end of the prayer Imam Mahdi (as) went inside his house. Mutamid and his spies followed the imam, but could not find him.
  • 34. Imam’s burial • Imam Hassan Al-Askari (as) was buried next to his Father Imam Ali Al-Hadi (as) • The whole of Samarra shut down as the people mourned this great Imam. • Since then till today many people come to Samarra pay their respects to the 2 great imams buried there, to ask for their needs to ALLAH (swt)through the imams and to seek ALLAH’s (swt) blessings.


Source: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/imam-askari-as/45679371