Clarification of some Sunni scholars about the birth of Imam ʿAskari’s son

Clarification of some Sunni scholars about the birth of Imam ʿAskari’s son

  1. Ibn Khalkān wrote,

The mentioned Imam [Imam Mahdi] was born on Rabi’ al-Awal 9th, 258 A.H

It also has been said that he was born on the eighth of the same, 258 A.H; which is correct to us.

(Vafiyāt al-A’yān, Vol.1, P.571)

  1. Kamāl al-Din Muhammad Shafe’i said:

“Mahdi (hgr) is one of Batool Tāhirah [her majesty Fatima (pbuh)]’s descendants, who was the Prophet’s very dear. He was born in Samarra, on Ramadan 23th, 258 A.H. His father was al-Hasan al-Khās and his mother was Om-e-Walad; well known as “Seyghal or Hakimah.”

(Matālib al-So’ul fi Manāghib All-e-Rasool, P.89)

  1. Kanji Shafe’I said:

Hasan Askari; Hādi (pbu th)’s was born in Medina and [also] he was buried in the same house which his father was buried, in Samarra. And when he died, he had a [just] a son who is the very Montazar [Awaited]”.

(Kifayah al-Tālib, P.458)

  1. Ibn Sabbāgh Māleki Misri:

Abu-l-Ghāsim Muhammad ibn al-Hojjah ibn al-Hasan al-Khās, was born at the night of Sha’ban 15th, 255 A.H.”

(Al-Osul al-Mohimmah, P.274)


  1. Abd al-Wahhab Sha’rāni said:

Mahdi (hgr) is expected to emerge and he is Imam Hasan Askari (pbuh)’s descendant. And his birthdate was at the night of Sha’ban 15th, 255 A.H. Now, he is alive and Jesus confederates to him. (Now) at 958A.H, the honorable Imam (hgr) is 706 years old” [It was about 958 AH].

(Al-Savāe’igh al-Mohraghah, P.124)

