Paving the Way for Imam Mahdi’s Imamate


 Paving the Way for Imam Mahdi’s Imamate

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari had paved the way for his son’s Imamate through many procedures, such as: 


A - Concealing Imam Mahdi’s Birth

 The Imam had concealed his son’s birth for fear of the authority who knows that the expected Mahdi is the son of Imam Al-Hassan Al-Askari (A.S) who will put an end for the oppression and will establish justice and triumph for the feeble ones.

When Imam Hassan informed his elites, like Ahmad Bin Ishaq and others, about the birth of Imam Mahdi (A.S) he ordered them to let this be a secret by saying: “A baby for us was born, let this be a secret, and let people know nothing about him”.

 Shortly before the birth of Imam Mahdi in the night of 15 of Shaaban month, Imam Hassan Askari called for aunt Ḥakima and told her: “O my aunt, you are invited to break your fast in my home, because God Almighty will delight you by His guardian and proof for His people, and will be the caliph after me”.

 Thus, we can notice from this, that despite of what steps he had taken, Imam Hassan had informed the elites of the Shiites the birth of his son Imam Mahdi (May God hasten his honorable reappearance).



B - Informing the Elites about Imam Mahdi’s Birth and presenting him to them

 Some people had seen the Imam (A.S) after three days of his birth including: Ali Bin Bilal, Mohammad bin Muawiyah bin Hakeem, Al-Hassan Bin Ayoub Bin Nouh and others. Imam Al-Hassan (A.S) told those people while presenting his son for them the following: “this is your friend after me, he is the caliph, and he is the one who will reappear to establish justice and equity and put an end for the oppression”. 

Ahmad Bin Ishaq posed Imam Hassan a question saying: “O my master is there any sign for me to be assured? Then the baby uttered eloquently: “I am the Living Proof of God, I am the one who will be the revenger of the enemies of God, and don’t request for a sign after that you Ahmad Bin Ishaq”, then Ahmad said: “I left feeling so happy and delight…


C - Laying down the Imamate of al-Mahdi

 Laying down the Imamate of Al-Mahdi (A.S) and his Occultation and attesting that a delegation consisting of 40 persons who support the Prophet’s Family came to Samarra, and visited Imam Hassan’s home in order to ask them about the proof “Hujjah” after him, while sitting, Othman Bin Saeed b. Amro Al-Amry said: “O the son of the Prophet, I want to ask you about something which you know more than me, then Imam (A.S) said: “If you please, no one walk out, I will be back. Really this happened, no one went; and after an hour later, Imam Hassan returned back and called Othman, so he stood directly.

 Imam al-ʿAskari said: “Shall I tell you the reason why you had come?” They answered: “O yes the Son of the Prophet, then he answered them saying: “You came asking me about the proof after me”. They said: yes. And Imam Mahdi (A.S) was in front of them, a very nice guy who looks like the moon, just the same as Abo Mohammad; then Imam Hassan al-ʿAskari said: “this is your Imam after me, and the caliph, so you should obey him and you should be united and never be separated in order not to be perished. You will not see him after this day (because of his occultation), so you should agree about what Othman tells you, and obey him, because he is the caliph of your Imam and matters go back to him”.