Imam Mahdi in the Eyes of Tyrants: Fear of Inevitable Apparition

Imam Mahdi in the Eyes of Tyrants: Fear of Inevitable Apparition

US President Joe Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman VS Sayyid Ḥasan Naṣrullah, the Ḥizbullah secretary general   


Mohammad Salami

Since the secret Birth of the twelfth Shia Imam Mohammad bin Al-Hasan (P), his existence was endangered by the enemies of Islam who do not want for the righteous path to prevail.

The Abbasid State chased Imam Mahdi since his Birth in order to kill him and eradicate the dynasty of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and get rid of the danger He poses to leaders’ throne.

During His Absence, Imam Mahdi (P) is feared by the tyrants of every epoch and in every state because His Inevitable Apparition will lead to the end of their oppression.

The current era is full of the tyrants who often reflect their fear of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (P), considering that this major event enables the oppressed people to take revenge.

The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman said conspicuously that his political conflict with the Islamic Republic of Iran is its belief in the Apparition of the Twelfth Imam (P).

For his part, the US president Joe Biden revealed that he hired a professor specialized in the Islamic studies to help him learn more about the hidden Imam.

Biden’s and Bin Salman’s remarks reflect all they tyrants endeavor to achieve two targets: distracting the believers’ attention from the preparation for the Apparition of Imam Mahdi (P) and detecting the noble reappearance in order to take all the measures to face the danger posed to them.

Millions of Muslims who are awaiting the blessed Apparition and preparing all the political, economic, military and educational conditions in order to enhance his reappearance aimed at restoring justice in the world filled with injustice.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed hasan Nasrallah responded clearly to Bin Salman, stressing that the apparition of Imam Mahdi (P), the Grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), in Holy Mecca is certain and that this issue is consensual among the Muslims.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that all the tyrants will be eradicated and justice will be restored across the world, affirming that the entire Al Saud dynasty will fail to change this destiny.

Sayyed Nasrallah always urges all the believers to stay assured of the inevitable Apparition of Imam Mahdi (P) and keep preparing for His Great Reappearance, advising the tyrants to end their oppression before their regret becomes eternal.

Source: Al-Manar English Website