West and [Islamic] Messianic

West and [Islamic] Messianic

Recognizing enemies:

The discussion upon West and Messianic, is initiated with recognizing enemies. Therefore, here we explain what the position of “recognizing enemies” is.

The basis of the issue “Recognizing enemies”, is proved through verses of Qurʾān. Also, the method of facing various enemies were mentioned in the Surahs such as: Baqarah, Āle ˈImran and so on.

About the importance of recognizing enemies, His Excellency Imām ˈAlī (pbuh) stated, ‘Whoever pretends is sleeping (neglects the enemies) s/ he will be awaken by the enemies’ tricks and deceits!




Intra- religious enemies:

The ignorant: They are the ones who ignorantly oppose [the issue], due to their misconceptions (the time setters for The Savior’s emergence).

The ones who intentionally oppose [the issue], due to their evil conceptions.




Exterritorial enemies:

  •  Wahhabi6 and Takfiri7 groups (but not Sunnite).
  • Bahaiiat8 and ghadiyaniyeh9.
  • Zionist Judaism10 and Christian Zionist11.
  • Evangelism Christianity12 (proselytism)



The West view at The Last Era:

In a large part of the West, the issues of The Last Era and Seeking for The Savior are hot. This can be proved through available proofs and documents:

  • The first proof: Some movies by Hollywood about The Last Era, such as: Independence day, determinant of a 3*3 Matrix and so on.
  •  The second proof: some sites and books, such as: www. Bibleprophecytruth. Com
  • The third proof: The statistics which have been collected in the western centers.


The activities of west against Islamic Messianic are divided into two parts:

1-    Political Mass medias: Some western politicians talk and some producers make the programs to oppose and conflict [Imām Mahdī] clearly.

2-    The Scientific and academic: The first [Political Mass medias], originates from this one.

  • Making scientific- research groups.
  • Having specific experts for Messianic; like David Cook.
  • Holding scientific conferences


Well, what is our duty in this regard?

 To know Imām Mahdī deeply, and believe in him.

To cast it, in our community, afterward.

Finally, try to act in more extended grounds.

We are to be guards and protectors our Imām


By Prof. Dehghanī

Source: https://mahdi-313.ir