Some of the recommended rituals at the Qadr Nights

Some of the recommended rituals at the Qadr Nights

The rites of these three nights (the 19th, 21st, and 23rd of Ramaḍān) are of two parts: The first part deals with the general rites that are advisably practiced at each of three Qadr Nights and the second part deals with the special acts that are dedicated to each night exclusively.

  1. The General Rites
  1. To make a major ablution (Ghusl) at each of the Nights;
  2. To offer a two-unit prayer reciting at each unit Surah al-Fātihah once and repeating Surah al-Tawḥīd seven times. After accomplishment of the prayer, the following imploration should be repeated seventy times;

اَستَغفرُاللهَ وَ  اَتوبُ اِلَیه

 “I implore for Allah’s forgiveness and I repent before Him

  1. To stay up and spend the whole three Nights with acts of worship;
  2. To visit the holy tomb of Imam al-Husayn or recite his Ziyārah distantly;
  3. To offer a one hundred-unit prayer (that is performed in fifty two-unit prayers);
  4. To open the holy Quran and then put it on the head and do some rituals (refer to Mafātīh al-Jinān);
  5. To recite Jowshan al-Kabīr supplication (refer to Mafātīḥ al-Jinān).


  1. The General Rites

a) The nineteenth night of Ramaḍān

1. To repeat the following imploration one hundred times:

اَستَغفرُاللهَ وَ  اَتوبُ اِلَیه

 “I implore for Allah’s forgiveness and I repent before Him

2. To repeat the following sentence one hundred times:

اللّهمَّ العَن قَتلَة اَميرِالمُومِنين

O Allah! Curse the slayers of the Commander of Faithful (Imam Ali)


b) The twenty-first night of Ramaḍān

  1. To recite this supplication that you can find in Mafātīh al-Jinān:

"يا مُولِجَ اللَّيْلِ فِى النَّهار..."

O He Who causes the night to enter into the day…”

  1. To send blessing to the Prophet and his household and to ask Allah to deprive those who oppressed them from His mercy.
  2. 3- To pray for Imam al-Mahdi and to ask Allah to hasten to his appearance. This is what Sayyed bin Tāwūs from Imam al-Sãdiq
  3. It is worth mentioning that at this night the sadness of the Shia should be shown due to the martyrdom of Imam Ali.


c) The twenty-third night of Ramaḍān

The last night of the Qadr Nights is more meritorious than two previous ones. It is recommended:

  1. To recite Surahs al-Ankabūt (no. 29), al-Rūm (no. 30), and al-Dukhān (no. 44);
  2. To repeat Surah al-Qadr (no. 97) one thousand times;
  3. To repeat this famous supplicatory prayer as many times as possible:

اللَّهُمَّ كُنْ لِوَلِيِّكَ الحُجَةِ بنِ الحَسَن ولیا و حافظا...

     “O Allah! (Please) be for your representative al-Hujjah bin al-Hassan (Imam al-Mahdi) … supporter and protector…”

  1. To make a new major ablution (Ghusl), other than the first one, at the last hours of night.