MESSAGE OF THAQALAYN, A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies 30 June 24 Journals The Connection Between Imam Mahdi and Imam ḤusaynREAD MORE
Al-Qaim al-Muntazar; Issues 1414 - 1445 A.H. 29 June 24 Journals Collection of Special Issues for the month of MuharramREAD MORE
What is the Islamic view on the Messiah and the anticipation the Mahdi near the end of time? 28 June 24 Journals Fountainmagazine, issue 55, July-September 2006READ MORE
The Promised Savior in Pre-Islamic Great Religions (English article) 20 June 24 Journals Comparative Thelogy, vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 149-168READ MORE
Doctrine of Mahdaviat and Pluralism (English article) 19 June 24 Journals Mashreq-e Mou'ood, (A quarterly magazine on Mahdism); Issue 9, no. 36READ MORE
The Philosophy of the Great Occultation of Imam Mahdi and Anticipation Issue (Entezar Faraj) 15 June 24 Journals International Multi. J. of “PURE LIFE”. 8 (26): 121-144, Serial Number 2, Spring 2021READ MORE
The Future of the World under the Leadership of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the Quran and the Gospel 14 June 24 Journals A Research Journal on Qur’anic Knowledge Vol. 15, No.56, Spring 2024, P 113-137READ MORE
Mahdism in Shi'ite sects 14 June 24 Journals Science Arena Publications International Journal of Philosophy and Social-Psychological Sciences 2020, Vol, 6 (1): 39-49READ MORE
Qur’an on Mahdism 12 June 24 Journals Scientific Quarterly Journal of Ahl al-Bayt (as) Teachings Vol. 1, Issue 3, Winter 2024READ MORE