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Imam Mahdi in the Sermon of Ghadīr

Imam Mahdi in the Sermon of Ghadīr The idea that when the world is ending a savior will appear to save mankind from injustice, oppression, and tyranny is shared among the three divine religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It also appears in some other religions. This idea has proceeded seriously in both Shia and Sunni’s viewpoint in which Imam Mahdi’s revolution is aimed at changing the prevailing human culture so …

The Names of the Imams in the Holy Qur'an

Bottom of Form The Names of the Imams in the Holy Qur'an   Question: Why aren’t the names of the Imams expressly mentioned in the Qur`an? Brief Answer It must be noted that although the names of the pure Imams (ع) are not specified in the Qur`an, the Prophet (ص) did assert their names, especially the name of Imam ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (ع). A very clear instance of such …

Hajj, the Symbol of Walāyah

Hajj, the Symbol of Walāyah The Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam whose importance and centrality becomes apparent upon even a little deliberation. For instance, a part of the first verse quoted above read, “And it is the duty of mankind toward God to make pilgrimage to the House”. For no other pillar or commandment of the Law are the words “duty…toward God” used and this manner of …

Human being is Awaiting the Promised Hope

Human being is Awaiting the Promised Hope   And how can you disbelieve, while it is you to whom the communications of Allah are recited, and among you is His apostle? And whoever holds fast to Allah he indeed is guided to the right way. 102. O you who believe! Observe your duty to Allah with right observance, and die not save as those who have surrendered (to Him). [The Family …

What the Wahabis Say About Imam Mahdi

  What the Wahabis Say About Imam Mahdi   After propounding the Koran and traditional ar¬guments there remains no doubt amongst the Muslims, irrespective of his religion either Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or non-Wahabi, regarding the belief in imam al-Mahdi (a.s.) and it is proved beyond doubt that it is a genuine Islamic belief, but since the Wahabi sect is having a very narrow-minded belief about some of the concepts of …

Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shiites on the Verge of Occultation

Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shiites on the Verge of Occultation by: Mas'ud Pur Sayyid Aqaei   In the period prior to the beginning of occultation (260 A.H), Shi'ites were fortunate to have outstanding intellectual scholars who were trained by Imams (A.S) and to whom the principles were taught. Those principles were known as the “Four Hundred Principles” (Usu-l 'Arbi'a Mi'ah). Principles of Shi'ite jurisprudence and beliefs were …

The Law of Ahmad al-Hassan; Killing Religious Authorities including Ayatollah Sistani and Ayatollah Khamenei

The Law of Ahmad al-Hassan; Killing Religious Authorities including Ayatollah Sistani and Ayatollah Khamenei (Ahmad Isma’il is among contemporary deviant sectarian movements, there cruitment and extent of which has distinguished it from other currents; thus, it cannot be easily ignored.) Ahmad Isma’il is a person claiming for Shi’a Mahdism. He has claimed to be the Promised and the representative of Imam al-Mahdi (a) and has made alterations and deviations to …