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Remembrance of The Beloved

Bottom of Form Remembrance of The Beloved   Prologue During the period of the holy prophet's (s.a.w.a.) appointment and proclamation, he entrusted the people with two precious souvenirs out of divine inspiration. "I leave with you two weighty things: the Book of Allah and my offspring." This he said at the time when he himself bore the responsibility of explaining and interpreting the commandments and doctrines and he acquainted the …

The Martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari

Bottom of Form The Martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari   The martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (A.S) is a pretext for an abridged review on the life of this holy Imam (A.S). Imam Hasan Askari (A.S) was born on the 11th Sha'ban 231 A.H. or 232 A.H. in Medina. Imam Hadi (A.S) was his father and his mother was Hadith or Saleel. She was such a very virtuous and meritorious …

Imam Mahdi in Imam Ali’s Words

Imam Mahdi in Imam Ali’s Words   I. Imam Mahdi’s (A.S) Occultation Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) has brought up the subject of Imam Mahdi (A.S)’s occultation in different occasions within the limits of his audience intellectual and understanding abilities and according to the natural trend of events in the future. On an occasion he points to the necessity of the existence of a divine Hujjah on the earth, even more, in the entire …

Mahdi in Other Religions and Nations

Mahdi in Other Religions and Nations   Introduction The belief in “Mahdi” (PBUH) originates from the divine nature of mankind. This belief causes hope in the hearts of people. Furthermore, even though there have been differences in the belief of the existence of a savior, this belief however existed amongst many of the ancient communities. Due to the divine law of Allah sending prophets to promise the arrival of a …

The Mosque of al-Sahlah

The Mosque of al-Sahlah   The History of the Venerable Mosque of As-sahla It was rebuilt in the first century after Hegira. According to some historical references, the mosque used to be the house of Prophet Edris (PBUH), then the house of Prophet Abraham (PBUH), and thirdly the house of Al-Kidher (PBUH). The mosque has many names like Al-bir (charity) because of its high and blessed status; Abdul Qais, Bin Dhafra, As-sahla Mosque.  …

The Deputies of the Imam of the Age, Imam Mahdi

Bottom of Form The Deputies of the Imam of the Age, Imam Mahdi   Allah’s mercy is infinite. None else is more gracious than the Almighty to His creatures. Even the vast love of a mother for her child is just a minor ray of endless love which the Creator has for His creatures. When a mother can never see her offspring in any trouble, then how can the immense …

Imam Muhammad b. al-Ḥasan, al-Mahdi

Top of Form   Imam Muhammad b. al-Ḥasan, al-Mahdi   Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-'Askarī (Arabic: محمد بن الحسن العسکری) (born in 255/869), also known as Imam al-Mahdi (a) (Arabic: إمام المهدی), is the twelfth Imam in Twelver Shi'ism. He is the promised savior, who will rise one day and fill the earth with peace and justice. Imam al-Mahdi (a) has been in occultation from the early years of his life. Shi'as regard him as the Imam of the present age. Among …

If Imam Mahdi Appears

If Imam Mahdi Appears ʿAllamah Majlisi has related the following narration about Imam Mahdi in Bihar al-Anwar: “When Imam Mahdi reappears, he will rule with justice, and no one will be able to discriminate against another. Roads and paths will become secure, the Earth will bring out its bounties, all rights will be returned to their rightful owners, and no follower of a religion will remain until he becomes a …

Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi

Bottom of Form Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi   In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. And we desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams (Leaders of mankind), and to make them the heirs. (Quran, 28:5) At dawn, on the 15th Sha'ban 255 A.H., the rays of the illuminating world shone with a powerful shaft of …

False Claimants and the True Mahdi

False Claimants and the True Mahdi   Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a famous false claimant Even a cursory examination of people throughout history who have claimed to be the Mahdi will reveal that the conditions prior to his return and the appropriate actions, knowledge, and behavior of the real Imam have not been met. However, many people have been deceived, and more will be deceived by false claimants in the future. …