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The Ninth of Rabiʿ al-Awwal; a day of rejoicing and celebration

The Ninth of Rabiʿ al-Awwal; a day of rejoicing and celebration 9th Rabi al-Awwal is the first day of the Imamate of our living Imam, Imam al-Mahdi; a day of rejoicing and celebration. It has been narrated that to give alms on this day brings about forgiveness of sins. It has been also said that it is recommended, on this day, to offer food, give pleasure to one's brethren-in-faith, confer …

To the better world

To the better world  Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) spent his short life in sufferings and distresses. The Abbasid kings spared no effort in oppressing him. They moved him from a prison to another. They subjected him to confinement and imposed on him economic blockade. They prevented him from meeting with his followers as they prevented Ulama and scholars from contacting with him to take from the fountains of his sciences. And …

Beginning of the Imamate of Imam al-Mahdi; the only authentic event at ninth of Rabiʿ al-Awwal Celebrating ninth Rabi’

Beginning of the Imamate of Imam al-Mahdi; the only authentic event at 9th of Rabiʿ al-Awwal Celebrating 9th Rabi’ al- Note; There was a minor factual mistake in the section of Mukhtar & ‘Umar ibn Sa’ad which has now been corrected.   In many Shi’i communities, it is the 9th of Rabi’ al-Awwal that marks the end of the two-month mourning period that begins with the first of Muharram. The day …

Paving the Way for Imam Mahdi’s Imamate

   Paving the Way for Imam Mahdi’s Imamate Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari had paved the way for his son’s Imamate through many procedures, such as:    A - Concealing Imam Mahdi’s Birth  The Imam had concealed his son’s birth for fear of the authority who knows that the expected Mahdi is the son of Imam Al-Hassan Al-Askari (A.S) who will put an end for the oppression and will establish justice and …

Imam al-Mahdi prayed on his father’s body

Imam al-Mahdi prayed on his father’s body The last important point in Imam Mahdi’s life, before Occultation , is the time when he prayed on his father’s body . Abu Al Adyān , a servant of Imam Hassan Askari’s , narrates as this : “In the last days of Imam Hassan Askari’s life , he gave me some letters and asked me to take them to Mdāen. “You shall return …

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari (Political Conditions, Paving the Way for Imam Mahdi's Imamate)

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari (Political Conditions, Paving the Way for Imam Mahdi's Imamate)   We offer our deepest consolations to The Master of This Time Imam Al-Mahdi (A.S), and to all the believers and strugglers for the anniversary of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S)'s martyrdom. The period of imamate of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S) was characterized by its extreme importance because it was aiming to pave the way for Imam Mahdi's birth, to lay down his …

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari and the birth of his son, the 12th Imam

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari and the birth of his son, the 12th Imam A lectureby Hamid Algar   Synopsis - Circumstances for the Shi’ah at the time of the 11th Imam [AS] - Ja’far the liar - The death of the 11th Imam [AS] and the attempt to keep the birth of his son Imam Muhammad Mahdi [AS] hidden. - Traditions concerning the number of the Imams being twelve and the occultation …

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari introduced the Savior of humanity

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari introduced the Savior of humanity   One of the major responsibilities of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A.S.), for which he endeavored earnestly, was to introduce the Imam after him to the Shiites and to inform them of the next Imam's occultation. At the time, the Abbasid dynasty, having had heard the words of the previous Imams (A.S.) and those of Prophets' (A.S.) about the saviour that would be …

Clarification of some Sunni scholars about the birth of Imam ʿAskari’s son

Clarification of some Sunni scholars about the birth of Imam ʿAskari’s son Ibn Khalkān wrote, “The mentioned Imam [Imam Mahdi] was born on Rabi’ al-Awal 9th, 258 A.H It also has been said that he was born on the eighth of the same, 258 A.H; which is correct to us.” (Vafiyāt al-A’yān, Vol.1, P.571) Kamāl al-Din Muhammad Shafe’i said: “Mahdi (hgr) is one of Batool Tāhirah [her majesty Fatima (pbuh)]’s …

A Poem about the Martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari

A Poem about the Martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari   Again, again, and again and again; See how revisits to the Prophet’s House the pain. Martyred this time is its Eleventh Member, In whatever grade, all are with prophetic character. Hasan his name, Askari his fame Because at his command an army of angels came. At its sight the tyrant caliph was terrified, A little earlier had showed to Imam …