The similarities between Imām Mahdī and Imām Ḥusayn

The similarities between Imām Mahdī and Imām usayn

There are similarities between Imām Mahdī and Imām Husayn, and also between the Advent and ʿᾹshūrā:

1-    Based on many narrations, the Emergence day and the anniversary of Ashurā will be at the same time. For example, Imām Ṣādiq (pbuh) stated:

اِنّ القائِمَ صَلواتُ الله علیه یُنادِی بِاِسمِه لَیلَةَ ثَلاثَ و عِشرین و یَقومُ یَومَ عاشورا یَومَ قَتلَ الحسین بن علی علیه السلام

Infact, The Qā’im calls out his name* on the twenty-third night [of Ramadhan], and rises on the day of Ashurā, the day Huṣayn ibn Alī (pbuh) was killed.

2- Imām Huṣayn (pbuh)’ Rajʽa will be after Mahdī (mGehr)’s emergence:

According to many narrations, Imām Huṣayn (pbuh) and his companions (mGbths) will Rajʽa [return] and help Imām Mahdī (mGehr), after the formation of the Mahdavī government.

اَکونُ اوّلَ مَن یَنشَقُّ الارض عنهُ فَاَخرُجُ

I will be the first that the earth is split for him, and I will rise.

3- The people who look forward to Imām Mahdī Emergence, are the ones who love Imām Huṣayn (pbuh):

The people who truly look forward to the Emergence of the Savior Mahdī (mGehr), are the followers and believers in the rise and culture of Ashurā [they have a true insight about it]. They are vigilant and awake to seek, in order to recognize the elements of oppression and enmity, and they prepare themselves for a total defense of Islām.

4-  Qualities and characteristics:

Although Imām Mahdī (mGehr) is the ninth offspring of Imām Huṣayn (pbuh), The resonance of their voices is similar.

PS: The references will be available afterward.

Also related to Imām Mahdī (mGehr)’s brevity, Imām Kadhim (pbuh) stated:

وَ یُبیرُ کَلَّ جَبارٍ عَنید و یُهلَکُ علی یَدِه کُلَّ شَیطانٍ مَرید

Every stubborn tyrant will be destroyed and every rebellious devil will perish.

5- Mecca and Kūfah are the common places, and origins of the events: The Emergence, ʻĀshūrā’.

Imām Husayn (pbuh) started his movement from Mecca. He went to Mecca, after leaving Medina. He informed the people of his rise beside Bayt al Haram [Ka’bah].

According to narrations after his emergence in Mecca, Imām Mahdi (mGehr) will call the world to pledge allegiance to him. Then he will start reforming movements.

After the rise and the establishment of justice throughout the world, he will govern in Kūfah. As Imām Bāqir (pbuh) stated:

His Excellency Mahdi (mGehr), and 300 of his companions will leave Mecca and dozens of people will pledge allegiance to him.

6-Same social conditions

Among other things common between ʻĀshūrā’ and emergence, are the similar social conditions that exist at the time of both rises. The rise of Imām Husayn (pbuh) took place at a time when the Islamic community was strongly driven towards corruption and destruction. Also, corrupted and oppressive rulers were placed at the head of it.

The conditions were such that Imām Husayn (pbuh) would state:

اَلا تَرونَ اَنَّ الحقَّ لا یُعمَلُ بِه وَاَنَّ الباطِلَ لایُتَناهی عَنه

Don’t you see that the right is not followed and the wrong is not prevented?

*By calls out here, it refers to announcing his rise by Imām Mahdī (mGehr).
