The Life of Imam Al-Mahdi

This book is originally written by Allāma Bāqir Sharīf al-Qarashī in Arabic and translated to English by Sayyed Athār Husain Rizvi.

The esteemed author, who is well known for authoring a great number of books that deal comprehensively with the lives of the Household of the Prophet, was born in 1927 in a religious family in Najaf and died in this city in June 17th, 2012.  As the respected author says, “This book is a life sketch of the Imam whom the Almighty Allah has prepared and treasured to reform the world and to keep the religion established and to further spread the religion of Islam.”

This book includes twenty-four parts that its four primary sections refer to the biography of the Twelfth Imam and his special, his concealed birth in which closely resembles the birth of some prophets like Moses.  Like most of resembling works in this regard, this book talks about the Minor and the Major Occultation and its philosophy, the special deputies of the Imam, the Imam’s advent in which the author compares it with this concept in other religions, the signs of his appearance, the Imam’s companions and their lofty qualities, and also the Imam’s policies and activities during his universal government.

This book is published by Ansāryiān Publication in 400 pages in (Box 187, 22 Shohadā St., Qum, Islamic Republic of Iran. The first edition of this book is printed by Thāmin al-A'immah Publication in2006 through a 2000 copies. It ISBN is: 964-438-806-2.

