Rabīʿ al-Anām fi Adʿīyah Khayr al-Anām

Rabīʿ al-Anām fi Adʿīyah Khayr al-Anām

ربیع الانام فی ادعیة خیر الانام (مجموعة من الادعیة و الزیاراة لمولانا الامام الثانی عشر)

By ʿAbd al-Ḥusayn Ṭāleī

Some supplications (Duʿā and Ziyārat) specific to Imam Mahdi

In the introduction of this book, it is stated: "The author, who arranged the book with the aim of expressing the importance of supplication (Duʿā) in the school of Islam, first, in addition to a relatively detailed discussion, has a look at the place of the discussion of prayer and pilgrimage in Islam, and issues such as: the purpose of prayer, suitable times for It examines prayer and its customs and conditions. He then documents daily prayers, prayers at special times, prayers related to the fulfillment of needs, some Ziyārāt specific to Imam Mahdi, such as Ziyārat Jāmiah Kabīrah.
