The Final Hope April 2020, Issue no. 1

From the viewpoint of the Quran and Islamic traditions, and based on what even political leaders and the western and eastern theorists believe, the world is waiting for the emergence of a just, revolutionary and conscious leader.

The prophecies of the uprising of such a universal peacemaker and a global savior are too much in religious books, as well as political and social ones. They say that in the future, a full-fledged human being who has an immensely long life and experience, will take over the domination and will bring about a kind of universal government that is based on justice and righteousness. The concept of this thinking is totally in line with Islamic beliefs.

Western theorists have not defined a particular person for the administration of the world who will establish a universal justice system, but they describe the characteristics of a future savior that are completely suited to the characteristics of Imam Mahdi.

Most Islamic societies and, in particular, the Twelver Shias, - based on rational and historical reasons, - believe that the promised leader and the savior of the human community is a special person and he is the son of Imam Hassan al-῾Askarī. Furthermore, the Shia believe that the Imam is now alive and is conscious of all of the needs and requirements of people and is aware of their ups and downs. He waits for a day when the divine command for him to rise be announced and he starts his mission to make the world full justice after it has been replete with oppression and injustice.


Editor in Chief: Sayyed ‘Abd-al-Mahdi Tavakol

