Āshūrā & Mahdism

Āshūrā & Mahdism  There is an unbreakable connection between Āshūrā and waiting for the appearance of Imam Mahdi. If Imam Hussain existed now, nobody could accept his invitation in Karbala, or could address him by saying, «فَيا لَيتَني كُنتُ مَعَكُم فَأفوزَ مَعَكُم».[1] “I wish I were with you so that I would be fortunate with you.”  unless he were in the right way. It is said; «كُلُّ يَومٍ عاشورا». "Every …

Common purposes of Imam al-Ḥusayn and Imam al-Mahdi

Common purposes of Imam al-Ḥusayn and Imam al-Mahdi Introduction: In Shiite culture, two uprisings, in which the leaders of both are infallible Imams and from the prophet`s offspring, have an outstanding and prominent status: One of them is “Imam Hussain`s uprising” which occurred in 61 A.H, and the other one is “the universal revolution of Imam Mahdi” which will take place in the future. There is an inseparable link between …

A correlation between ‘Āshūrā and Mahdism

A correlation between ‘Āshūrā and Mahdism   Nowadays, the red way of Āshūrā and the green path of Mahdism [believing in Imam Mahdi] are identified as the most basic “targets” by infidelity army for cultural attack and to oppose the Right army. In the enemies` view, the Shiite`s society, which is influenced by these two essential points, has more integrity and power of motion. So, for the adversaries to collapse …

The Spectacle of Imam Ḥusayn's Martyrdom in the Words of Imam Mahdi

The Spectacle of Imam Ḥusayn's Martyrdom in the Words of Imam Mahdi The monumental incident of Karbala has been illustrated in historical books vividly, and at great length. However, some historians have recorded this incident without adequate research on this topic. This has robbed their works of credibility. On the contrary, their account of the incident of Karbala has become the subject of intense debates and controversies among the common …

Servants of Al-Mahdi (peace be upon him), Glory with Tribulation!

Servants of al-Mahdi (peace be upon him), Glory with Tribulation! In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful. May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies. Millions of Muslims failed to rush to the aid of the Master of the Youth of Paradise (peace be upon him), and only a few thousand joined him at the beginning of his journey to Karbala. As the Imam (peace …

Imam Mahdi will avenge the blood of Imam Ḥusayn

  It is mentioned in the book Majmaul Bahrayn that: “Revenger is one who under no circumstance rests till he does not avenge the blood shed from his side.” We read in Ziarat Aashura: “I beg Allah, Who honored you above others, to be generous towards me on account of you, and give me the opportunity to be with the victorious Imam, the descendant of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) at the time …