Do the verses of the Holy Qur’an prove the existence and reappearance of Imam Mahdi?

  Do the verses of the Holy Qur’an prove the existence and reappearance of Imam Mahdi? Reply: First and foremost, it is not necessary that the Holy Qur’an explains in detail all the concepts. Given that it actually deals with many things, so it does not get involved with the finer aspects and intricacies. Yet, there is an affirmative reply to this question as well. Many verses of the Majestic …

What has been mentioned about Imam Mahdi in the books of other religions?

What has been mentioned about Imam Mahdi in the books of other religions? Reply: An examination of the religious books of the different religions conclusively proves that the belief in the Promised Mahdi is not exclusive only to the Muslims. Even other religions have this belief as is illustrated: Kitab us Zind the religious book of the Parsis mentions about the end of Injustice and the victory of the righteous …

What is the purpose of the belief in “Mahdawiyyah” and when did it originate?

What is the purpose of the belief in “Mahdawiyyah” and when did it originate? Reply: “Mahdawiyyah” is the belief about a universal saviour. All heavenly religions like Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam make a prominent mention about it. They hold that the last age will witness a person who will emancipate the people from all corruption and evil. Through him, the oppressed will regain their rights and breathe freely. This …