Do only Muslims believe in the coming of a savior?

Do only Muslims believe in the coming of a savior?

Messianism, which is to believe that a great divine savior will come, is a fixed and a prevalent belief that has been always with all nations throughout the world. It means to believe in a bright future that will put an end to distress and worries and to believe that due to emergence of a distinct and divine person, all sort of darkness will be erased from the face of the world and the base of oppression, negligence and degradation will be uprooted.

In religious texts, there are some names and titles given to such a savior. Some of them are as follows:

In Judaism he is called “Messiah”.

In Christianity he is called “Jesus Christ

In Zoroastrianism he is called “Saoshyant

In Hinduism he is called “Vishnu”, or “Kalki

In Buddhism he is called “Maitreya, the fifth Buddha

And, in Islam he is called “Mahdi” and “Qãim”.