How is the division of Imam Mahdi's occultation?

How is the division of Imam Mahdi's occultation?

This period began when the eleventh Imam was martyred and it will last until Imam al-Mahdi appears. However, some people believe that this period initiated since the Imam was born. His occultation is divided into the Minor and the Major ones.

The Minor Occultation: This period of time that lasted for about 70 years began in 260 A.H. and lasted till 329 A.H. This period played a determined role in making the Shia prepared for the Major Occultation. The most important characteristic of this period is that people were able to communicate with the Imām through his special deputies namely ‘Uthman bin sa’īd al-‘Aamrī, Muhammad bin ‘Uuthman bin sa’īd al-‘Aamrī, Hussein bin rūh al-Nawbakhtī, and Alī ibn Muhammad al-Samorī.

The Major Occultation: This period began when Alī bin Muhammad al-Samorī passed away and as the Imam announced there was no longer a special deputy to connect people to him. The Imam in his last letter to his fourth special deputy wrote, “In the name of God the most Compassionate and the most Merciful. O Ali bin Mohammad al-Samorī. God may make the rewards of your (religious) brothers great in regard with you. You will pass away within six days, then be prepared and do not appoint anyone as a special deputy after yourself since the second occultation is to take place.”[1]

[1] Kamāl al-Din, vol. 2, p. 294, chapter 45, hadith, 45.