How is the division of Imam Mahdi’s deputies?

How is the division of Imam Mahdi’s deputies?

Just as the occultation was comprised of two phases, the Imam’s deputies are also divided into two groups: The specific deputies during the Imam’s Minor Occultation and the general deputies for his Major Occultation.

In regard with special deputyship, the Imam appointed four specific people specifically and directly pointed to their names. Each one of those special deputies also announced the name of the next one to people. The first special deputy had been chosen by Imam Hassan al-‘Askari.

In regard with general deputyship, there are a set of principles offered by the Imam for a man to be rendered as his deputy and people has to refer to these people. It should be noted that this position is for those who meet those principles and people cannot choose someone and ask him to carry on the job as the deputy of the Imam.

Sheikh al-Ṣadūq[1], al-Ṭūsī[2] and al-Ṭabarsī[3] narrate that the Imam says in a letter, “In the events which occur (in your life), refer to the narrators of our traditions, for they are my proof upon you and I am God’s proof over them.


[1] Kamāl al-Din, vol. 2, p. 483.

[2] Kitāb al-Ghaybah, p. 290.

[3] Al-Ihtejāj, vol. 2, p. 469.