What is the real and correct meaning of the Occultation of Imam Mahdi?

What is the real and correct meaning of the Occultation of Imam Mahdi?

The Mahdi’s occultation just means that he is cannot be seen not that he is not present. Consequently, When the Imam comes, he just can be seen not that he will become present. The fact is that the Imam is amongst people, witness what people do, supervise their affair and assist them when required.

The Imam says in a letter to Sheikh Mufīd, “We fully have knowledge about your situation and nothing of your affairs is kept secret from us.”

In another part of the mentioned letter the Imam says, “Surely, we do not neglect your condition nor are we forgetful of your remembrance. Had it not been so, then, terrible calamities would have struck you and your enemies would have destroyed you.”

It is narrated for Imam Ṣādiq to have said, “The owner of this matter (Imam Mahdi who owns the divine leadership) is amongst people, walks through their market places and step on their carpets. Nonetheless, people do not recognize him.”[1]

The period of Occultation is one of the greatest field of divine trial in which those who are firm will be remain safe. People are testes with their faith and actions till it be found out who would survive.


[1] Al-No’mānī in al-Ghaybah p. 163, hadith 4.