Are there any glad tidings about Imam Mahdi’s advent?

Are there any glad tidings about Imam Mahdi’s advent?

In all of the divine religions and even in non-religious school of thoughts, there are Glad tiding about the arrival of a promised savior who will establish justice and create of a human society that is based on monotheism and full of peace and tranquility.

One of the exclusive traits of Imam Mahdi is the numerous of glad tidings given in regard to his advent through narrations from the Prophet and Infallible Imams. These narrations are mentioned both in Shia and Sunni sources[1] and we suffice ourselves with one of them,

It is narrated from the Prophet to have said, “I give you glad tidings about al-Mahdi. He will rise when people are afflicted with disagreement and disunity. He will fill the world with justice just as it has become full of oppression and injustice.”[2]

[1] Montakhab al-Asar, chapter 2, p. 191 to 232.

[2] Kitāb al-Ghaybah, p. 178, hadith 136; Mosnad Ahmad, vol. 3; Mosand Abu Sa’eed al-Khodrī, p. 37.