What do you know about the demise of lady Narjis (the mother of Imam Mahdi)?

What do you know about the demise of lady Narjis (the mother of Imam Mahdi)?

There are two narrations regard­ing the demise of lady Narjis:

1- She requested Imam ʿAskarī to beseech Allah for her early demise during his lifetime. Consequently, she died during the life of Imam Hassan ʿAskarī and it is engraved on her grave, "This grave is of the mother of Muhammad (the real name of Imam Mahdi)."[1]

2- According to another narration, she was alive after the martyrdom of Imam ʿAskarī. When the Imam murdered, the agent of Abbasids rushed to the house of Imam ʿAskarī and after inspecting the house found nothing but arrested Narjis and took her to Muʿtamid (the Abbasid Caliph) and asked her to unveil where her newborn son was. Narjis pretended to be pregnant. Muʿtamid gave her to Ibn Abi Shawārib al-Qāzī. After a while Abbasids involved in various forms of inner turmoil and neglected to keep her. Narjis took this opportunity and escaped. She lived a while after that and passed away in a normal way.[2]


[1] Bihār al-Anwār, vol. 51, p. 5.

[2] Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Niʻmah, vol. 2, p. 476.