Can you offer a scientific justification for Imam Mahdi’s staying young?

Aging and death is caused by some factors that if we know them and try to keep them at bay, we will remain young and healthy for a long time. Scientists look for some techniques to extend the life span of people and anticipate to find out some strategies.

For about three hundred years ago, a new branch of study was added to biology which is called “Gerontology”. This is the scientific study of old age and the process of aging, and the particular problems of old people. Based on the research on this field, aging is caused by three main factors:

  1. Chronic diseases, such as the diseases of the stomach and the diseases of malnutrition.
  2. Mental illness that destroys the freshness of vital cells.
  3. External factors such as the environment, climate, cold, heat, and humidity.

Then, the scientists have come to the conclusion that if they work on these factors they will be able to postpone the process of aging for a long time.

For instance, they realized that by adding vitamin B6 and Nucleic acid and pantothenic acid to the food of some animals they can lengthen the life of them for 46 percent and also rejuvenate them for a much longer time.

In addition, there are some creatures that will never get old as long as they live. An instance of it is the snail. It remains young till it dies due to an accident or special illness.

Additionally, some biologists believe that the Stem Cells of the body or the genes would not be destroyed at all and it may open the door to find a way to live for a considerably long time.

Consequently, the Imam whose knowledge is emanated from the knowledge of Allah, is entirely aware of the details of this secret and would meticulously apply them in his life.