What is the meaning of the End of Time? Do we live in the End of Time?

What is the meaning of the End of Time? Do we live in the End of Time?


The expression of the End of Time that entered in the eschatological theology part of divine religions, not meaning the Day before the ending world; rather, it means a special cycle of the time and date. So it is should be asked, which period of time is the ending period? With this in mind, it has utilized about the three period of the time:

The age of the Final prophet, this includes the day that He chosen as a prophet until present day. It is told that He is the end time’s prophet, i.e. there will be no prophet and religion after Him.

The period of the Appearance of Imam al-Mahdi, the time of divine justice state establishing.

Prophet Muhammad tells to his daughter Fatima:

“When the four corners of the world involved with chaos and unrest, tribulations (Fitnah) emerged, the roads blockaded (unsecured) and people tried to deceive each other’s and so on… Allah would appear His guidance, our Mahdi; the nine generation after Husain; (the third Imam of Shi’a) … He will gain victory over the deceptive castle and fort … and He will reestablish the religion in the end of time.”

The occultation age and the years before the Appearance of Imam al-Mahdi. Respecting that, the end of time means the end of oppression and injustice. I.e. the polytheistic ruling will come to an end. There are lots of references to this in narrations. In one case Prophet Muhammad says to Ali; (the commander of believers):

“O Ali; the prodigious people in faith and the biggest of them in belief are those who live in the ending time. They neither precept any prophets, and their Imam is in hiding, so (but) they believe in some written materials.”

The enjoining good and forbidding bad will be left in the end of time by Muslims. They do hypocrisy, and they observe fast and prayer affectedly.

 The worst time is the end of time; women will be made up extremely, and don’t observe hijab.

The End of Time seemingly is match by the last one. Because there are lots of narrations named the occultation age as ending time. By the way, some of its term follows:

The status of Governments: governors will be corrupted; oppressor and the governments will be tyrannical, oppressive, unstable and momentary. 

The status of Religion; there will be no signs of religion, Islam and Quran but their names. And the mosques will not be crowded.

The status of Ethic: the human sense and commiseration among people will be weakening. Kinds of immoralities will emerged and remain without prevention.

The security status: the roads will be unsecured; the horrible crimes will act in so far as people wish to die. The soddenly death, earthquake, battle, tribulation and disease will be abounded.

The economic status: raining and agricultural produces will be decreased, and rivers, springs and earth will face to drought. Expensiveness, poverty and off of sale will be surrounded everywhere.

As a result we can answer yes; we are living in the end of time cycle. Particularly, there are many signs of that in our own time. But, because of effecting people’s actions to appearing of the Savior every time can be ending time.