The auspicious birthday of Lady Faṭima al-Maʹṣūmah

 On Friday, the 10th of May 2024 (the 1st of Dhū al-Qaʹdah 1445 A.H.)

The auspicious birthday of Lady Faṭima al-Maʹṣūmah

Lady Faṭima al-Maʹṣūmah, the honorable daughter of the seventh Imam (Imam al-Kāzhim), was born on the 1st of Dhū al-Qaʹdah, 173 A.H. (790 A.D) in Medina and died in Qum in the year 201 A.H. (817 A.D). Her real name was Fatima al-Kubrā (the greatest Fatima). It was due to the high respect that the Imams would name their children by the holy name Fātima (the name of the Prophet’s daughter), and usually more than one child had the fortune to have such a noble name. So, Imam al-Kāzhim, named some of his daughters Fatima. Also the title of al-Maʹṣūmah (infallible) was given to this noble lady by her brother, Imam al-Riḍā. It is worth noting that this title was awarded to her after her death and she was not referred to by this name during her lifetime. 

The respected mother of Lady Fatima al-Maʹṣūmah was Najmah Khātūn. Lady Najmah was a slave from North Africa and was bought by Lady Ḥamīdah, the mother of Imam al-Kāzdim. After she came into the house of the Ahl al-Bayt, she reached a high level of intellectual and spiritual excellence. She was also the mother of the 8th Imam (Imam Ali al-Riḍā) and she had no children other than these two.


Her great state in Imam’s words

Some traditions that are indicative of her status are mentioned below:

«تُقبَض فيها امْراةٌ منْ وُلْدى، اِسْمُها فاطِمَةُ بِنْتُ مُوسى، وتَدْخُلُ بِشَفاعَتِها شيعَتي الجنّة بَأجْمَعِهِمْ»[1]

Imam Ja`far al-Şādiq says, “A lady from my children whose name will be Fatima, daughter of Mūsā, will die in Qum. On the day of Judgment this lady will intercede for all my Shia to enter Heaven.”

Also Imam al-Sādiq says,

«وَسَتُدْفَنُ فيها امْرَأةٌ مِنْ اَوْلادى تُسَمّى فاطِمَةَ، فَمَنْ زارَها وَجَبَتْ لَهُ الجنّة»[2]

 “A lady from my children, by the name of Fatima will be buried in Qum. Whoever visits her [shrine], will certainly be admitted to Heaven.”

It is interesting that the Imams foretold the birth of this noble lady and her presence in Qum many years before her birth. Imam al-Sādiq gave these glad tidings even before the birth of his son, the 7th Imam, the father of Lady Fatima al-Maʹsūmah.

And according to a tradition Imam al-Ridā says,

«مَنْ زارَ الْمَعْصومَةَ بِقُمْ كَمَنْ زارَني»[3]

“Whoever visits al-Maʹsūmah in Qum is like the one who has visited me.”

From this tradition, as mentioned previously, we get the title of al-Maʹsūma that was given to this noble lady by the Imam himself.

The Ziyārah to Lady Fatima al-Maʹsūma that we have in our hand today has been narrated from Imam al-Ridā through a reliable tradition. Interestingly, no other non-Ma`sūm has had an Imam dictating the text and manner of their Ziyārah other than her. Some extracts from her Ziyārah are discussed here as an example. In this Ziyārah, we salute her many times like:

«السلام عليك يا بنت رسول الله»

“Peace be upon You, O Daughter of the Messenger of Allah!”

«السلام عليك يا بنت فاطمة و خديجة»

“Peace upon you, O Daughter of Fatima and Khadījah!”

 Also in this Ziyārah, Imam al-Ridā refers us to her as an intercessor, due to her nearness, status and special esteem in the eyes of Allah:

«يا فاطمة ٱشفعي لي في الجنّة فانّ لك عند الله شأناً مّن الشّأن»

“O Faṭima! Intercede for me, so that I enter Heaven, for indeed you have a great status in the eyes of Allah.”[4]


[1] . Bihār al-Anwār, vol. 60, p. 228.

[2] . Bihār al-Anwār, vol. 48, p. 317 & vol. 60, p. 216 & vol. 102, p. 266.

[3] . Nāsikh al-Tawārikh, vol. 3, p. 68.

[4] . Bihār al-Anwār, vol. 102, p. 267.