The Uprising of Mukhtār al-Thaqafī

The Uprising of Mukhtār al-Thaqafī

(On Friday, the 18th of October 2024 A.D. (the 14th of Rabī al-Thānī 1446 A.H.)

1380 years ago (685 A.D.) on the same day, Mukhtār bin ҆Abī ‘Ubaydah al-Thaqafī rose up against who killed Imam al-Hussein and his companions in Karbalā.

Mukhtār was born in the first year of Hijra (622 A.D.) in Tā ͗if in Saudi Arabia. In his youth, at the time of second Caliph, he emigrated with his family to Medina. Mukhtār joined Banū hāshim and came to Irāq at the time of Imam Ali’s government. Later on at the time of Imam al-Hussein He paid homage to Muslim bin ´Aqīl, the Imam’s emissary in Kūfa, but after the martyrdom of Muslim bin ´Aqīl in 60 A.H. ´Ubaidullāh bin Zīyād (the Governor of Kūfa appointed by Yazīd) arrested Mukhtār and imprisoned him therefor, he was prevented to join the army of Imam al-Hussain in karbalā.

In 66 A.H., after leaving prison, Mukhtūr announced the revolution and began calling people to punish the persons who committed the Karbalā massacre. He received a letter from Muhammad bin al-Hanafīyyah, Ali's son, in which Muhammad announced his support to Mukhtār. He said: "It is not an act of our religion to leave the murderers of al-Hussein alive! If I do not kill those who killed the males from among the family of Mohammed, peace be upon him, then I am a liar in this world. I ask all to help me against them. Food and drink are not permissible for me until I purify the earth from them.[1]

Finally, Mukhtār was martyred by the enemy of Ibn-e-Zubayr in Kūfa. His grave can be found at the back of the Mosque of Kūfa.


[1] . Ibn al-Athīr, al-Ka`mil, v.3, p.369.