
Mikyāl al-Makārim vol. 1

Mikyāl al-Makārim vol. 1
This text titled "Mikyāl al-Makārim" authored by Ᾱyat Allah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Mūsawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for our 12th Living Imam. The first part addresses the recognition of the Imam and the rational proofs discussed. Among other topics, the second part of the book discusses the times and conditions emphasized for supplicating.   Download

Imam Mahdi The Awaited Justice and The Eternal Responsibility

Imam Mahdi The Awaited Justice and The Eternal Responsibility
The book in between your hands happens to be part of a translation series of Sheikh Fawzi Al-Saif books. This series consists of many works describing the lives of the Holy Infallibles and all works regarding this matter are currently in the process of being translated. The translation process of these works are either by human translation completely, or with the aid of Artificial intelligence translation and human translation. This …

Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Niʿma vol. 2

Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Niʿma vol. 2
The book deals with the personality of the Hidden Imam, his occultation and everything related to him in an analytical and systematic manner and is penetrating in its subject and exceptional in its domain. Shaikh Saduq has presented strong arguments from the life-story of the Prophets regarding their occultation [ghaibah] to prove the occultation of the Twelfth Imam; and Ahadith have been quoted extensively from the Holy Prophet sawa and …

Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Niʿma vol. 1

Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Niʿma vol. 1
Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Niʿma (Arabic:کَمالُ الدّين و تَمام النِعمَة)  Ikmāl al-Din wa Itmām al-Niʿma (إِکمالُ الدّين و إِتمامُ النِعمَة), written by the great Shi'a scholar, Muhammad b. Ali b. Bābiwayh al-Qummi known as Sheikh al-Ṣaduq (d. 381/991-2), discusses the issue of occultation and the advent of Imam al-Mahdi (a). In this two volumes book, Sheikh al-Ṣaduq has mentioned many examples of the absences of the prophets (a) and has …

Ṣaḥifa al-Mahdiyya al-Kamelah

Ṣaḥifa al-Mahdiyya al-Kamelah
The book “Ṣaḥifah Mahdiyyah Kāmilah” written by Sayyid Murtaḍa Mojtahedi is a collection of prayers, supplications, and pilgrimages narrated from Imam Mahdi or have been narrated about him. Besides the introduction and conclusion, this book includes 12 chapters containing over 450 prayers, pilgrimages, etc. Download  

Perfect Man

 Perfect Man
  Perfect Man by Ᾱyat-Allah Murtaḍā Muṭahha, Translated by Aladdin Pazargadi Edited by Shah Tariq Kama, Published by:Foreign Department Of Bonyad Be'that  A perfect man means an exemplary human being, who is superior and exalted, or any other inference of the sort. Like everything else, a human being may be perfect, or he may be imperfect, regardless of normal functioning, or, being deficient. However, a normally functional person could be perfect, or …

An Inquery Concerning al-Mahdi

An Inquery Concerning al-Mahdi
We are pleased to present the English translation of the book (An Enquiry Concerning al-Mahdi). The book “Bahth hawl al-Mahdi” original in Arabic text written by martyr Ᾱyat-Allah Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Ṣadr in 1397 A.H., has been published separately (Beirut: Dar al Ta'aruf lil-Matbu'at, 3rd impression 1401 A.H. /1981 A.D.) as well as within his collected works, al-Majjmu`ah al-kamilah li mu'allafat as-Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Ṣadr, vol. 11 (Beirut: Dar al …

The Life of Imam Al-Mahdi

The Life of Imam Al-Mahdi
This book is originally written by Allāma Bāqir Sharīf al-Qarashī in Arabic and translated to English by Sayyed Athār Husain Rizvi. The esteemed author, who is well known for authoring a great number of books that deal comprehensively with the lives of the Household of the Prophet, was born in 1927 in a religious family in Najaf and died in this city in June 17th, 2012.  As the respected author …

A Historical Research on the Lives of the 12 Shia Imams

A Historical Research on the Lives of the 12 Shia Imams
This book written by Mahdi Maghrebi, under the guidance of Ayatullah Muhammad Hādi Yusufi Gharawi, is a compilation of the text written about the lives of the 12 Imams of Shia. Every chapter of this book is about the life of one of the Shia Imams and can be read and used independently from the other chapters. The author of the book says: "I want to note that this work …