Divine Savior

Title: Divine Savior: A Brief Biography of Imam al-Mahdi.

Author: Research Unit, The Holy Mosque of Jamkaran.

Translated by: Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani.

Publisher: "Jamkaran Book" Press, Affiliated with

the Holy Mosque of Jamkaran.

Address: Iran, Qom, Shahid Fatemi St, Alley 28, No.6,

Postal code: 3715666443

Website: www.jamkaranbook.com,


Email: ketabejamkaran@gmail.com

Tel: +98 2537732212

Whatsapp: +989055990313

ISBN: 964-6705-49-9

A book entitled “The Divine Saviour” was published by Jamkaran for Publication and English Translation, as a brief biography of Imam Mahdi, may Allah Almighty hasten his honorable reappearance, which is intended to be distributed in Western countries.

The publishing house said in a statement, followed by Shia Waves Agency), that “the book, published in English, provides a general and concise overview of biography of Imam Mahdi, may Allah Almighty bring forward his hounarable reappearance.”

It added that “the book traces the noble lineage of the Imam and his connection to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his pure family, and also explores the issue of the minor and major occultations.”

According to the publishing house, the summary highlights “the many positive qualities of the Imam, namely his knowledge, piety, generosity, patience, virtue, morals, and the great divine roles entrusted to him in the end of time.”

The publishing house added that “the book, through its religious content, helps Shias, Muslims in general, and even non-Muslims who speak English to learn more about the hidden Imam, may Allah Almighty hasten his honorable reappearance,” pointing out the need to “provide such an accessible overview, as it is rich in information based on the basic sources and narrations of Shia Islam.”
