A Glance at the Life of Imam Mahdi

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 In Islam, the belief in the savior is rooted in the fact that Allah never leaves His creatures, especially human beings, on their own and support them through sending His apostles to guide them toward the right path: "and there is a guide for every people" Quran (13:7). 

Imam Mahdi (AS), the twelfth leader of Muslims and a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), who is leading a secret life at the time, will ultimately rise and spread peace and humanity throughout the earth. "The Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) informed Muslims about his reappearance, telling his names, attributes, appellations, and peculiarities"

This Infographic shows Imam Mahdi (AS) 's life:

689 or 870 A.D He was secretly born in Samarra, Iraq, to Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS) and Narjis, to be protected against the threat of the enemies.

874 A.D His father, Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS), martyred by poisoning.after his demise, the Abbasid caliph sent a group of agents to his house. They shut down the house and confiscated his property, looking for the Imam's (AS) son, Imam Mahdi (AS).

874 A.D His leadership started despite his young age, due to his exceptional wisdom and knowledge.

874 A.D The period in which he led a secret life due to his enemies' threat, known as his Minor Occultation, started. During this period, he had contact with no one except four reliable men of his followers who transferred Imam's (AS) message to other people. 

941 A.D His last deputy, Ali b.Muhammad al-Samuri passed away who would not be followed by any successor by Imam Mahdi's (AS) order.

941 A.D The connection through special deputies came to an end, and the Occultation entered a new phase, known as Major Occultation, in which Imam Mahdi (AS) has no contact with anyone and his followers must refer to the scholars for their religious needs. This period lasts until the present.

Present: Possessing the blessing of long life by Allah, Imam Mahdi (AS) is still alive, yet lives secretly and is hidden from any sight. His followers indirectly benefit from his presence and leadership while awaiting his reappearance. 

End Of The Time: When Imam Mahdi (AS), the savior of all humankind, will reappear and fight against cruelty and oppression, spread justice all over the world and free people of all their pains and sufferings.
