From Guardianship of Ali ibn abi Ṭālib to return of Imam Mahdi 11 January 25 Articles GuardianshipREAD MORE
The Birthday of Imam Ali, the Commander of the Faithful 11 January 25 Timeline On Tuesday, the 14th of January 2025 A.D. (the 13th of Rajab 1446 A.H.)READ MORE
Kitab al-Ghayba: The Book of Occultation, by Nuˈmānī 09 January 25 Books By Nuʿmāni; Translated by Abdullah al-ShahinREAD MORE
Another supplication of Imam Mahdi in the month of Rajab 07 January 25 Articles A signed letter (Tawqīʿ) from the side of Imam Mahdi to his third special deputy. (word & pdf)READ MORE
Imam Mahdi’s Duʿā for the month of Rajab 07 January 25 Articles A signed letter (Tawqīʿ) from the side of Imam Mahdi to his second special deputy. (word & pdf) READ MORE
Ṣaḥifa al-Mahdiyya al-Kamelah 06 January 25 Books A collection of prayers, supplications, and pilgrimages narrated from Imam Mahdi or have been narrated about himREAD MORE