A Poem about the Martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari

A Poem about the Martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari   Again, again, and again and again; See how revisits to the Prophet’s House the pain. Martyred this time is its Eleventh Member, In whatever grade, all are with prophetic character. Hasan his name, Askari his fame Because at his command an army of angels came. At its sight the tyrant caliph was terrified, A little earlier had showed to Imam …

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari towards the Paradise

Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari towards the Paradise Imam Abu Muhammad al-Hassan al-Askari (a.s) spent his short life in sufferings and distresses. The Abbasid kings spared no effort in oppressing him. They moved him from a prison to another. They subjected him to confinement and imposed on him economical blockade. They prevented him from meeting with his followers as they prevented ulama and scholars from contacting with him to take from the …

A glance at the Imam al-ʿAskari’s life

A glance at the Imam al-ʿAskari’s life Taken from a Slide 2. Father: Imam Ali al-Hadi Al-Naqi (as), 10th imam Mother: Sawsan Date of Birth:8th Rabi ath-Thāni 232 AH Place of Birth: Madina. Nickname : Al-Askari. Was called so because he lived in the city of Samarra , which was a military camp. Askar means army in Arabic Death : Died at the age of 28, in Samarah, on Friday the eighth …

The Abbasid rulers during the Age of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari

The Abbasid rulers during the Age of Imam Ḥasan al-ʿAskari Al-Mutawakkil Al-Mutawakkil son al-Mu’tasim assumed the rule in 232 AH.[421] In the same year Imam Abu Muhammad (a.s.) was born.[422] When al-Mutawakkil assumed the rule, people were afflicted with a natural disaster that they had never seen before. A simoom blew in Iraq, and destroyed the plants of Basra, Kufa, and Baghdad and killed many travelers. It lasted for fifty …

The time before martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-Askari

The time before martyrdom of Imam Ḥasan al-Askari   This period includes many important points which some of them are to be presented here: Introducing the next Imam, al-Mahdi, to Shi’as Since Imam Mahdi was born secretly, Imam Hassan al-‘Askri was worried that Shiites could not recognize him as the twelfth Imam and proof of Allah. So it was his duty to introduce him to some of the noble and …