Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shiites on the Verge of Occultation

Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shiites on the Verge of Occultation by: Mas'ud Pur Sayyid Aqaei   In the period prior to the beginning of occultation (260 A.H), Shi'ites were fortunate to have outstanding intellectual scholars who were trained by Imams (A.S) and to whom the principles were taught. Those principles were known as the “Four Hundred Principles” (Usu-l 'Arbi'a Mi'ah). Principles of Shi'ite jurisprudence and beliefs were …

What is our responsibilities in the context of prayers for the hasty reappearance of Imam Zamana (May Allah hastened his reappearance)?

What is our responsibilities in the context of prayers for the hasty reappearance of Imam Zamana (May Allah hastened his reappearance)?  Answer: Prayers are very much effective upon the destiny of a man even though if the destiny had been decided and it is certain. That is why, the prophet’s household have always advised and recommended their friends and the followers to pray for the hasty reappearance of Imam Zamana, …

State on of the most important obligations for the Shias in the time of Occultation?

State on of the most important obligations for the Shias in the time of Occultation? Answer: Each and every follower and supporter of Ahl Al-Bait (AS) and everyone who is in search of the path of the advancement towards Allah (SWT), should know that Allah had not only given them the powers and the positions but also had entitled them with heavy and hefty responsibilities. One of the most important …