What do you know about the demise of lady Narjis (the mother of Imam Mahdi)?

What do you know about the demise of lady Narjis (the mother of Imam Mahdi)? There are two narrations regard­ing the demise of lady Narjis: 1- She requested Imam ʿAskarī to beseech Allah for her early demise during his lifetime. Consequently, she died during the life of Imam Hassan ʿAskarī and it is engraved on her grave, "This grave is of the mother of Muhammad (the real name of Imam …

What is the parentage of lady Narjis (the mother of Imam Mahdi)?

What is the parentage of lady Narjis (the mother of Imam Mahdi)? The mother of Imam Mahdi, as the one giving birth to the last divine savior, must have a highly exalted status of spiritual perfection. Unfortunately, for some reason, especially her being in a suffocating and unbearable climate, our understanding of that noble lady is very limited. Following some Islamic narrations and historical reports, there are some general possibilities …

What is the paternal linage of Imam Mahdi?

What is the paternal linage of Imam Mahdi? Imam Mahdi’s lineage, traced back to the prophet Muhammad (through lady Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet) and Imam Ali, the first Imam of Shia, (through this linage: Muhammad b. al-Hassan b. Ali b. Muhammad b. Ali b. Musa b. Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain b. Ali b. Abī Tālib (PBU THEM). Shia believe that Imam Mahdi is the only …

Are there any glad tidings about Imam Mahdi’s advent?

Are there any glad tidings about Imam Mahdi’s advent? In all of the divine religions and even in non-religious school of thoughts, there are Glad tiding about the arrival of a promised savior who will establish justice and create of a human society that is based on monotheism and full of peace and tranquility. One of the exclusive traits of Imam Mahdi is the numerous of glad tidings given in …

What is the real and correct meaning of the Occultation of Imam Mahdi?

What is the real and correct meaning of the Occultation of Imam Mahdi? The Mahdi’s occultation just means that he is cannot be seen not that he is not present. Consequently, When the Imam comes, he just can be seen not that he will become present. The fact is that the Imam is amongst people, witness what people do, supervise their affair and assist them when required. The Imam says …

How is the division of Imam Mahdi’s deputies?

How is the division of Imam Mahdi’s deputies? Just as the occultation was comprised of two phases, the Imam’s deputies are also divided into two groups: The specific deputies during the Imam’s Minor Occultation and the general deputies for his Major Occultation. In regard with special deputyship, the Imam appointed four specific people specifically and directly pointed to their names. Each one of those special deputies also announced the name …

How is the division of Imam Mahdi's occultation?

How is the division of Imam Mahdi's occultation? This period began when the eleventh Imam was martyred and it will last until Imam al-Mahdi appears. However, some people believe that this period initiated since the Imam was born. His occultation is divided into the Minor and the Major ones. The Minor Occultation: This period of time that lasted for about 70 years began in 260 A.H. and lasted till 329 …

Can you tell me about Imam Mahdi's life periods?

Can you tell me about Imam Mahdi's life periods? The life of Imam Mahdi is comprised of three periods: The hiding period, the period of Occultation, and the period of Appearance. The Hiding Period: This period that lasted for five years and the Imam was still a child commenced from his birth until his father was martyred. The Period of Occultation: This period began when the eleventh Imam was martyred …

Can you tell me about Imam Mahdi's life periods?

Can you tell me about Imam Mahdi's life periods? The life of Imam Mahdi is comprised of three periods: The hiding period, the period of Occultation, and the period of Appearance. The Hiding Period: This period that lasted for five years and the Imam was still a child commenced from his birth until his father was martyred. The Period of Occultation: This period began when the eleventh Imam was martyred …

What are the titles of Imam Mahdi?

What are the titles of Imam Mahdi? Some of the Imam’s most famous titles are said to be al-Mahdi, al-Qāim, al-Muntaẓar, Baqiyyat Allah, Ṣāḥib al-Zmān, and Ṣāḥib al-Amr. However, “al-Mahdi” is the most well-known title of him. All of the given titles stand for a specific trait of the Imam. He is called al-Mahdi (the guided one) since he is a guided man who will lead people towards all hidden …