What is Imam Mahdi’s name and cognomen?

What is Imam Mahdi’s name and cognomen? Imam Mahdi's name and cognomen are the same as those of the Prophet of Islam. Imam al-Ṣādiq quotes from his grate ancestors who narrate from the Prophet who have said, “Al-Mahdi is from my progeny, his name and his cognomen is like my name and my cognomen, and he is the most similar man to me in regard with his character and behavior.”[1] …

When and where was Imam Mahdi born?

When and where was Imam Mahdi born? The last Imam of Shias and the 12th successor of the Messenger of God was born on Friday daybreak, on the 15th of Shaˈbān in 255 A.H. (868 A.D.) in Samarra (a town in Iraq). However, there is a disagreement about the exact year of his birthday. Some believe it was in 254 or, 256 A.H. It is also said that this difference …

Why did Abbasid rulers bring Imam Hassan al-ˈAskarī (the eleventh Imam of Shia) with his father, Imam Hādī to Samarra to live within a military zone to be under a strict control?

Why did Abbasid rulers bring Imam Hassan al-ˈAskarī (the eleventh Imam of Shia) with his father, Imam Hādī to Samarra to live within a military zone to be under a strict control? Abbasid rulers heard through some authentic narrators from the Prophet to have said something about the birth of a boy that was contrary to what Abbasid wished to do in their government. They heard that the Prophet said …

What do the Christians believe in regard with the last Savior?

What do the Christians believe in regard with the last Savior? The Gospel that is the name of the Christians divine book, refers to one of the four books in the Bible. It has been collected and written separately by four individuals and is famous by the names of them who are Luke, John, Matthew, and Mark. Now we mark just one example of the parts of it that is …

Do the Jews believe in a savior who will emerge at the end of time?

Do the Jews believe in a savior who will emerge at the end of time? In the Torah and the Gospel, there are some glad tidings about the emergence of a promised universal reformer who will appear at the End of Time. In following we refer just to one example of them: Psalms, 37:9, “For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit …

Who is the real Savior?

Who is the real Savior? All Muslims believe that there is just one Savior, but every religion talks about him with a special name and traits and all point to a same man. The savior in Islam is the exact one that is the savior in Judaism and Christianity. But some of these religions mistakenly matched it with another man that is not in reality the Promised Savior. He is …

What is the principal feature of the last Savior in all religions?

What is the principal feature of the last Savior in all religions? What is understood from referring to this Savior in various religions is that each of them believe in a single savior that will take the control of the world and will bring it into justice and tranquility. They do not believe in many different saviors and do not say that there is a savior among the Jews, one …

Do only Muslims believe in the coming of a savior?

Do only Muslims believe in the coming of a savior? Messianism, which is to believe that a great divine savior will come, is a fixed and a prevalent belief that has been always with all nations throughout the world. It means to believe in a bright future that will put an end to distress and worries and to believe that due to emergence of a distinct and divine person, all …

Physical description of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h)

Physical description of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) Introduction Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) is the Imam of believers from all social strata, but naturally, many people are not capable of debating using the concept of Imamate. Hence, for people, a simple way to gain a better understanding of the Imam and making a better image of him in their minds is to know the physical characteristics of the Imam, which have been reflected …

Mahdism and Globalization

Mahdism and Globalization Conceptology of globalization Lexical concept: From the lexical point of view, "globalization" is derived from "globe". The word "globe" means sphere, and rounding;[1] also “the globe” means the world and universal.[2] Therefore, "Globalization" can be understood as "the interconnectedness of the world in all fields", in that it is like an interconnected being. Terminological concept: For the globalization, in terms of terminology, there is not a single …