Dajjāl (Anti-Christ)

  Dajjāl (Anti-Christ) Introduction Dajjāl is one of the related issues to Mahdism. Though the term "Dajjāl" is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, many commentators quoted, under some verses[1], a few narrations about the rebellion of the Dajjāl.[2] According to a variety of the narrations, some believe that Dajjāl is one of the signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) and even one of the definite sign of …

Who is Yamānī ?Al-Yamānī?

Al-Yamānī (Who is Yamānī?) Introduction The rise of Yamānī is counted among the indefinite signs of Imam Mahdi’s appearance. Pointing to the apocalypse, some narrations of both Shia and Sunni sources refer to a man called al-Yamānī who, at the End of Time, will play an important role before Imam Mahdi’s advent. He, on the threshold of the appearance of the Imam, will start his uprising from Yemen to prepare …

The Birth of Hope

The Birth of Hope (On the Birth and Life of Imam Mahdi: The Promised Savior) Introduction Samarra is a city in North Iraq located in a relatively good climate region along the Tigris River. In the third century A.H., the Abbasid caliphates adopted Bagdad, a city almost near Samarra, as their capital and place of residence; this made life conditions difficult to the citizens of both Baghdad and Samarra. It …