Who is the mother of Imam Mahdi?

Who is the mother of Imam Mahdi?

The Imam’s honorable father was Imām Hasan al-Askari, the 11th Imam, and his honorable mother was a respected and pious salve-gird called Narjis who lived in the house of Lady Hakīmah the daughter of Imam Jawād and the aunt of Imam Hasan al-Askari. Lady Hakīmah used to train her and teach her about Islamic conducts. She was called by the Prophet, Imam Ali, Imam Bāqir (the fifth Imam of Shia), and Imam Sādiq as a best of the slave-girls. It is narrated from Imam Ali who have said, “May my father b at ransom for a man who is the son of the best of slave-girls”. Lady Narji is said to have some other names like: Raihānah, Sūsan, and Sayqal. Some also believe that her name is Malīkah who was the grandson of Roman Kaiser and that she, through her mother, was a descendent from Simon (one of the disciples of Jesus) and was captured by Muslims.[1]


[1] Kamāl al-Din, vol. 2, chapter 41.