The Birthday of Imam al-Ḥusayn

On Tuesday, 13th of February 2024 A.D. (the 3rd of Shabān 1445 A.H.)


The Birthday of Imam al-usayn

Imam al-usayn, the third Imam, was born in the 3rd year of the Hijri calendar on the 3rd of Sha’bān (625 A.D.) in Medina. He is the second child of Imam Ali and Lady Fātima.

The Prophet named the child al-Husayn by the order of Allah and took the blessed child in his arms and in his right ear recited the Azān and in his left ear recited the Iqāmah.

Seven days, after the birth of the child, the prophet issued instructions that a sheep be sacrificed for him and its meat be distributed to the poor people and also ordered that a leg of mutton be given to the midwife and this ritual became a recommended act of Islamic faith. In the same way, the Holy Prophet ordered to shave the head of his newborn grandson and in proportion of the shaved hair an equivalent weight of silver be distributed among the poor.

Narrators have stated that, “The Prophet used to be very attentive and caring towards Imam Husayn and most of the time he used to keep him with himself and imbibe him with his own good qualities and lofty manners.”[1]


[1] . Yaqūbī, al-Tārīkh, v. 2, p. 246.