The demise of Sayyed ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm al-Ḥasanī

The demise of Sayyed ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm al-Ḥasanī


His Lineage

 Abū al-Qāsim ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm al-Hasanī was born in 173 A.H. (790 A.D.). He was one of the descendants of the second Shiˈite Imam (al-Ḥasan bin Ali) only by four generations. The great Shiˈite scholar and biographer, Sheikh al-Najāshī (d. 450 A.H / 1058 A.D) has recorded ‘Abd al-‘Azīm al-Hassanī’s lineage at the beginning of his biography as: “ ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Ali bin al-Hassan bin Zayd bin al-Hassan bin ‘Ali bin Abī Tālib and this is his correct lineage”.


His Great State

‘Abd al-‘Azhīm was one of the defenders of the true beliefs by his speech and conduct and he was one of the sources of reference in matters of the faith. A fleeting glance at the traditions transmitted by him tells us firstly of his close associations with the two Imams and secondly, of his close links with the prominent authorities of the Hadith who numbered thirty-three. Also, among those who narrated from him, are identified a group of great and erstwhile scholars of hadith who were well-known for their proficiency in the narration of traditions and for being firmly established in this field.

In fact, he was from the companions of the ninth and the tenth Imams (Imam al-Jawād and Imam al-Hādī) on the basis of the many traditions which he transmits from them. This is evidenced by the directive of the tenth Imam to his Shi’ites to turn to him (i.e. sayyed ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm) in respect of religious matters, which appeared ambiguous and complex to them.[1]

Ibn Qūlawayh narrates from Ali bin al-Ḥusayn bin Mūsā bin Bābwayh, who narrates from Muhammad bin Yaḥyā al-Attar, who narrates from some of the natives of Ray, (one of whom said), “I visited Abū al-Ḥasan al-ʹAskari. He asked me, ‘Where were you?’ I replied, ‘I was visiting the grave of Imam al-Ḥusayn bin Ali.’  He said, ‘However, if you had visited the grave of ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm which is situated near you, then your status would have been similar to the one who visited al-Ḥusayn’”[2]

The prevailing policy in the ruling court was that of deception, enmity and oppression against the ‘Alavids and the Shi’ites. Thus in such circumstances, the Imam may have advised the Shi’ites to content themselves by visiting the grave of ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm al-Ḥasanī in order to protect their lives and belongings from destruction and loss. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there is a reduction in the status of Imam al-Ḥusayn or an exaggeration in the status of ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm.

His Death

That in what date ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm died there is no written document. Some writers say that by the narration from the tenth Imam about the virtues of ‘Abd al-‘Azhīm, it can be gathered that he died during the imamate of Imam Ali al-Naqī and the Imam was martyred in 254A.H. On the other hand, according to Sheikh al-Ṣadūq it took place in the year 252 A.H. (866 A.D.) at the age of 79. It has been said that he became sick and died. He was buried in the city of Ray, Iran. Some say that he was killed by his enemies and he did not die a natural death. However, God knows things better. 



[1] . Refer to Bihār al-Anwār, vol. 36, p. 412.

[2] . Mīzān al-Hikmah, Hadith no. 7984.





شهادت امام جعفر صادق