The auspicious birthday of Imam al-Riḍā

On Monday, the 20th May 2024 (the 11th of Dhū al-Qaʹdah 1445 A.H.)

The auspicious birthday of Imam al-Riḍā

The eighth Imam (Imam Ali bin Mūsā al-Ridā) was born in 148 A.H. (765A.D) in Medina and martyred and buried in 203A.H. (819 A.D) in the city of Tūs (Iran). His respected parents were Imam al-kādhim and Lady Najma Khātūn. The Imam was divinely entitled Al-Ridā (meaning that Allah Almighty and His Holy Messenger were deeply pleased with him and he as well). He also considered as the ʹĀlim-u ˋĀl-e Muhammad (the greatest erudite of the Holy Ahlul Bayt). However, he was 35 years old when his honorable father martyred in prison of Hārūn al-Rashīd in Baghdad and the responsibilities of the Imamate devolved on him for 20 years. The period of his Imamate coincided with the caliphate of Hārūn and then his sons Amin and Ma'mūn. After the death of his father, Ma'mūn fell into conflict with his brother Amin and finally ended with the assassination of Amin, after which Ma'mūn became caliph. He considered the caliphate to be far from the sacred authority of Shiite Imam, so he thought of finding a new solution for this difficulty. Therefore, he asked the Imam to come to Marw from Medina, hoping in this way to overcome two difficulties: first of all, to prevent the descendants of the Prophet from rebelling against the government and secondly, to cause the people to lose their spiritual belief and inner attachment to the Imam. This event occurred in 200 A.H. (816 A.D.) But soon Ma'mūn realized that he had committed an error, for there was a rapid spread of Shiism, a growth in the attachment of the populace to the Imam and an astounding reception given to the Imam by the people and even by the army and government agents. Ma'mūn sought to find a remedy for this difficulty and had the Imam poisoned and martyred.