The auspicious marriage of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima (2 A.H. / 624 A.D.)

The auspicious marriage of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima (2 A.H. / 624 A.D.)

On Saturday, the 8th of June 2024 A.D. (the 1st of Dhū al-Hijjah 1445 A.H.)

When Lady Fatima attained the age of maturity and the marriageable age, the Prophet started receiving proposals from important people among the tribe of Quraysh. The extraordinary virtues of Fatimah on one side, and on the other side, her blood relations with the Prophet and still on another side, the nobility of her family, caused many of the high-ranking companions of the Prophet to propose to her; but the Prophet did not accept any proposal saying that he was waiting for the order of Allah to decide for this issue. The Prophet announced that the marriage of Fatima was in the hand of Allah and he himself had nothing to do concerning the matter. When Muslims knew that, they refrained from asking the Prophet for his daughter’s hand any more.

Lady Fatima was only five years old when her mother, Khadīja, died and thenceforth, her father took charge of the duties of a mother also for her. The Prophet gave the utmost attention to the education and upbringing of his daughter. She was the personification of devotion and obedience to the Creator, and she was the embodiment of all heavenly purity and saintliness. In character and personality, she bore a most striking resemblance to her father. Fatima, the daughter, was the image of Muhammad, the father. Therefore, her spouse must be the nearest and most resemblance to the Prophet and his daughter.

Two months after the battle of Badr, (in the month of Dhū al-Qaʹdah 2 A.H. / 624 A.D.), one day, Imam Ali went to the Prophet hesitatingly because of shyness. He came to the Prophet lowering his sight to the ground. The Prophet asked him, “What do you want, my brother?” He replied, "My parents be at ransom for you, you know that since my childhood, I have dedicated myself for your service. You have educated me from be beginning and brought me to this status. It is because of your encouragement that I feel this courage in myself to express my heartfelt wish that you give me the honor of becoming your son-in-law. I have concealed his wish in my heart for a long time thinking that this might not be according to your wishes as well. Is there a possibility that this could happen?"

The Prophet told Fatima that Ali was asking for her hand in marriage, and asked her what was her response. She kept quiet. The Prophet interpreted her silence as her assent, returned to Ali, informed him that his proposal was accepted, and told him to make preparations for the wedding. The Prophet told his companions that Allah had ordered him to marry his daughter to Ali. He said to them, “An Angel of Allah came to me and said, ‘Allah sends you greetings and says that in heaven I have made Fatimah the wife of Ali bin Abī Tālib. You also marry her to Ali on earth.’” (Dhakhā’ir al-Uqbā, p. 31.)