The Anniversary of Lady Zaynab’s Birthday



The Anniversary of Lady Zaynab’s Birthday

(On Thursday, the 7th of November 2024 A.D. (the 5th of Jumādal-͗ūlā 1446 A.H.)

1399 years ago, in 5th or 6th year of the Migration (626-627 A.D.) Lady Zaynab, the third child of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima, was born in Medina. Like her two elder brothers, al-Hassan and al-Hussein, she was named by her grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad. When Lady Fatima brought her to Imam Ali and said, "Name her"! he replied, "I would not name her before Allah's Messenger." At this time, the Prophet was on a trip and Gabriel descended to inform the Prophet about Allah's blessings. When the Prophet returned he said, "The name of this baby is Zaynab; Allah chose this name for her." The word zaynab is derived from two words: "Zain" and "Ab" that together means "The ornament of her father". In the year 16 A.H. She was married to Abdullah bin Ja´far al-ayyār. She had four boys, ´Auwn, Mohammad, Abbās and Ali. She also had one daughter called Kulthūm. ´Auvn and Mohammad were martyred with Imam al-Husayn in Karbalā.

 Zaynab's history itself speaks of her honorable life. She was an exemplary woman of great ability, intelligence, knowledge, insight, courage and perseverance. She performed her divine duties to the best of her ability in Karbalā. Though, her life was always laden with hardships she never feared coping with difficulties, this enhanced her endurance and elevated her soul.