The demise of Lady Zaynab (Honorable daughter of Imam Ali and Lady Fāṭima)

On Thursday, the 16th of January 2025 A.D. (the 15th of Rajab 1446 A.H.)

The demise of Lady Zaynab

Lady Zaynab, the daughter of Imam Ali and Lady Fatima, was born on the 5th of Jamādi al-Ūlā in 5 A.H. (626 A.D.) in Medina and passed away on the 15th of Rajab 62 A.H. (682 A.D.) Most historians wrote that she lived only one year after the massacre of Karbalā and at the age of 57, left this mortal world. The reports of where she was buried conflict with one another with three prominent opinions being put forward by the researchers. Some say that she died and was buried in Medina; others claim Egypt where there is a large shrine for lady Zaynab while the third and most compelling belief is that she died in Damascus.

Lady Zaynab was an exemplary woman of great ability, intelligence, knowledge, insight, courage and perseverance; she performed her divine duties to the best of her ability. It is said about her that even at the night after the tragedy of Karbalā, she did not desist from reciting her recommended midnight prayers.

If she was not present in Karbalā and did not offer her eloquent speech at the presence of Yazīd, the martyrdom of her brother Imam al-Ḥusayn would not have that much of effect.