
The Recognition of Imam al-‘Asr: Significance and Obligations

The Recognition of Imam al-‘Asr: Significance and Obligations
The Recognition of Imam al-‘Asr: Significance and Obligations Publisher(s): Association of Imam Mahdi This text discusses the significance and obligations of the recognition of the Imam of our Time, Imam Mahdi. It sheds light on the topics of belief, disbelief, deviation, Imamate, and duties and responsibilities towards our Imam.      Download

Imam Mahdi: The Spring of Life

Imam Mahdi: The Spring of Life
Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.): The Spring of Life Publisher(s): Association of Imam Mahdi   This text presents addresses topics of Aqaed and branches of religion including belief, disbelief, and deviation. The significance and obligations of belief in the Mahdi is further described as well as the duties and responsibilities of the follower of Al-Mahdi.   Download  

Mahdi in the Quran According to Shi‘ite Quran Commentators

Mahdi in the Quran According to Shi‘ite Quran Commentators
Mahdi in the Quran According to Shi‘ite Quran Commentators Author(s):  A. Toussi & N. Vasram Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum   In this book, author has explored the belief in Mahdi and the Messianic ideas implicit in the Qur’an in the light of both classical and contemporary Shi'ite commentaries on the Qur'an.   Download

Discussion on the Imam-e Zaman

Discussion on the Imam-e Zaman
Discussion on Imam-e-Zaman Author: Dr. Sayyed Hasan Eftekharzadeh Translator: Dr. Shabeeb Rizvi Naba Cultural In this context, there are approximately twenty topics. For each of these discussions, there is an appropriate method of presentation, evaluation and analysis, bearing finer aspects of knowledge. To approach these topics from any other way would be inaccurate and erroneous.   Download

Anticipation: Anticipating the Savior of Humanity

Anticipation: Anticipating the Savior of Humanity
Anticipation: Anticipating the Savior of Humanity Author(s): Sayyid Murtadha Mujtahidi Sistani Translated by: Naimah Iman The present booklet is about the on Anticipation of the reappearance of the Imam of the Age, Imam Al-Mahdi (aj) and it is the translation of a chapter of a two-volume book called “Secrets of Success” by Hujjatul Islam wal Muslimin Sayyid Murtadha Mujtahidi Sistani   Download  

Mikyāl al-Makārim vol. 2

Mikyāl al-Makārim vol. 2
This text titled "Mikyāl al-Makārim" authored by Ᾱyat Allah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Mūsawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for our 12th Living Imam (aj). The first part addresses the recognition of the Imam and the rational proofs discussed. Among other topics, the second part of the book discusses the times and conditions emphasized for supplicating.   Download

Mikyāl al-Makārim vol. 1

Mikyāl al-Makārim vol. 1
This text titled "Mikyāl al-Makārim" authored by Ᾱyat Allah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Mūsawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection of morals among the benefits of praying for our 12th Living Imam. The first part addresses the recognition of the Imam and the rational proofs discussed. Among other topics, the second part of the book discusses the times and conditions emphasized for supplicating.   Download

Imam Mahdi The Awaited Justice and The Eternal Responsibility

Imam Mahdi The Awaited Justice and The Eternal Responsibility
The book in between your hands happens to be part of a translation series of Sheikh Fawzi Al-Saif books. This series consists of many works describing the lives of the Holy Infallibles and all works regarding this matter are currently in the process of being translated. The translation process of these works are either by human translation completely, or with the aid of Artificial intelligence translation and human translation. This …